Elephantine issue:
Tamed elephants dwindling
Sri Lanka still boasts about its majestic tusker who enthralled
audiences in any event that it took part in and was considered. Asia's
number one pachyderm is no more. Before him, his colleague with similar
features, also bid adieu.
The country lost the two magnificent tuskers - Millangoda Raja,
Asia's longest tusker and Nawam Raja, a few weeks ago.
"It is a beginning of a sad saga where the country is loosing its
tame elephant population, which is aging, in the absence of new
elephants being added to the tame level.
In a country, where elephants play a major role in many cultural and
religious ceremonies, it is a 'jumbo issue' which needs some serious
attention to add more elephants to continue its traditions.
When the perahera season is on the issue emerges but after it is
over, the authorities turn a deaf ear and proposals made to resolve the
issue are ignored.

Minister S.M. Chandrasena |

Jayantha Jayawardena |

Bashwara Senanka Gunaratne |

Shantha Jayaweera |
Once again temples and elephant owners lament the lack of elephants
to deploy in the parahera this year while elephant conservationists are
urging the government to find methods to train elephants as the number
has decreased to 100 elephants in less than a decade.
The issue gets serious with over half the tame elephant population is
over 50 years old, only four tuskers, with the required features remain
out of the seven who were there last year to carry the Sacred Tooth
Relic, over 10 tame elephants died in the past two years and some are
suffering from various illnesses and injuries.
Imagine a perahera without a magnificent elephant carrying the Sacred
Tooth Relic ... with the elegant dancers, fire stalkers, the giant
traditional drum beats and everything that goes with it lose its glamour
without the perahera will surely the giant pachyderms walking
majestically in the procession.
At a time when the Asian Elephant is struggling to survive due to
loss of habitat, poaching and the human-elephant conflict, tame
elephants are too have a survival game, capturing elephants, was
practiced by ancient Sri Lankan kings as there were plenty of elephants
in the wild.
The elite close to the kings were also allowed to capture wild
elephants for themselves. This gave birth to the private ownership of
The Sunday Observer spoken to some well-known elephant
conservationists who attributed the decline of tame elephants to
abandoning captive breeding by elephant owners, urge the government not
to capture wild elephants for domestication.
Jayantha Jayawardena has been studying elephants for over 30 years
and is the author of the comprehensive book 'The Elephant in Sri Lanka'.
He, who carried out surveys in 15 districts on tame elephants in 1997
with Sunil Rambukpotha and in 2002 he himself said the number of tame
elephants (214) found in his survey in 1997, decreased to 189 in 2002
and now it has decreased to a mere 100 elephants.
Jayawardena said the one of the main causes for the dwindling
domesticated elephants were the ban imposed on capturing wild elephants
in 1970 and no captive breeding by owners.
At this rate there will be only a few elephants available to take
part in peraheras like the Kandy and Navam.
Lose glamour
Now there are many temples all over the island that have elephants of
their own. Without elephants, peraheras will lose their glamour", he
Jayawardena said that there are over 80 elephants at the Pinnawela
Elephant Orphanage and suggested to auction some of the elephants to
private individuals.
However, those interested in getting an elephant should be in a
position to feed the elephant, be able to hire a good mahout, and also
allow a veterinary surgeon to inspect the elephant every three months.
It costs over Rs. 45,000 to feed an elephant a month.
Those persons who should be allowed to bid at an auction should
satisfy the above criteria", he said explaining the situation of the
domesticated elephant population in the country.
Jayawardena said many mahouts and elephant owners were known to
ill-treat their elephants.
As a result the elephants get angry and when in musth kill the mahout
or the owner. Elephants were captured in many ways, one is the noosing
method. There are three methods of noosing.
Kannangara Ralahamy and A.B. Millangoda are well-known elephant
catchers of recent times. Mahouts in Sri Lanka still practise the old
methods of elephant management. Sometimes these methods border on
cruelty," he said.
Jayawardena said to be eligible to own an elephant, owners should
have at least ten years experience in the care and management of
elephants, have at least ten years experience of having owned an
elephant, have sufficient land and access to food and water for the
elephant, have the services of an experienced mahout to look after the
elephant, demonstrate the financial capability to maintain an elephant
without depending on it having to work to earn its keep, agree to a
four-monthly check on the health of the elephants by a panel appointed
by the Department of Wildlife Conservation (DWLC) and most importantly
need to agree to participate in captive-breeding.
The country's largest annual procession - the Esela perahera of the
Dalada Maligawa in Kandy, where over 100 elephants are paraded, and
other peraheras, the 'Nawam', Bellanwila peraheras - have been affected
with the dwindling domesticated elephants population. Some peraheras
have only one elephant participating.
Sri Dalada Maligawa Diyawadana Nilame Pradeep Nilanga Dela Bandara
said: "Finding elephants for the Kandy Esala Perahera is difficult as
the tame elephant population keeps on decreasing. Over 70 elephants are
taking part in this year's perahera.
Matured tuskers
The government is donating some elephants to the private sector and
temples. Out of 100 tame elephants, only the matured tuskers can carry
the sacred Tooth Relic and there are only four tuskers - Indi Raja of
the Dalada Maligawa, Kataragama Vasana, Nadungamuwe Wijaya Raja and the
Wewala tusker who are capable of carrying the Tooth Relic".
"The best solution is to import tuskers from India, Thailand and
Myanmar, elephants are not suitable as they are short and unable to
carry the Tooth Relic", he said.
Domesticated elephants are mainly fed on kitul, coconut, jak and
other indigenous leaf varieties found mainly in the jungle.
Finding food for elephants has also become increasingly difficult for
owners, with the scarcity of food.
The scarcity of land, after the Land Reforms Act in 1972, where a
person is allowed to own only 50 acres of land, for domesticated
elephants to roam was another major problem faced by elephant owners.
This situation has made owners to chain elephants until they are
taken for their baths or deployed for some task.
With all these constraints, maintaining an elephant has become a huge
task, just as buying an elephant, which has also become an expensive
With the role played by elephants in the construction field where
sophisticated machinery has taken over, domesticated elephants have less
work. They are mainly used as tourist attraction, to transport timber
and in gem mining fields.
The Director General of the National Zoological Gardens (NZG),
Bashwara Senanka Gunaratne said theoretically he agrees with the
proposal that a herd of elephants in Pinnawala should be trained to take
part in perahera processions, but practically this is not a task of a
government institution. " We can offer the technical know-how for
captive breeding.
But hiring elephants from Pinnawala for religious and other cultural
events is not a practical solution to the problem", he said.
He said there is a need to prepare a well-established management
criteria for private elephant owners to manage the tame elephant
But he suggested the 58 non governmental organisations, which deal
with elephant issues should take custody of at least two elephants each
for better management.
The Pinnawala Elephant Orphanage, where elephants are being bred, in
a twenty five acre coconut land near Maha Oya has successfully carried
out a captive breed and there are over 90 elephants at the moment.
Established in 1975, as a conservation breeding centre for Elephants
by DWLC, it was taken over by the NZG in 1978.
Gunaratne said the NZG had started a mahout training program for 50
youth, who have a love for elephants, to have better management of
captive elephants.
Denying allegations that over five elephants went missing from the
orphanage, he said they were given to temples and to the Defence
Ministry following the required criteria. He also denied that an
elephant was given to a Minister.
But environmentalists question as to how five elephants including two
baby male elephants were given to the Public Coordination and Public
Affairs Minister Mervyn Silva, 'Sama' to the Ven. Udduwe Dhammaloka
Thera's temple Allen Methiniyaramaya in Polhengoda, another to the
Defence Ministry, Lasanda to the Natha Devalaya in Devundara and Haritha
and Charaka to the Vimalarathanaramaya Deniyaya.
They claimed that the 'donation' was made overlooking stipulated
guidelines of the agreement.
The Army needs an elephant for their parades and according to the
Defence Ministry request we gave one and the others are in temples which
submitted their requests to get elephants some years ago. Minister Silva
co-ordinated the request to get the elephant to the Vishnu Devale of the
Kelaniya Raja Maha Vihare.
These politicians are in temple committees and the chief priests
forwards the requests through politicians in their respective areas. We
don't give priority to such requests but if they fulfill the set
criteria , the animals will be given to eligible applicants. But these
animals can only be used for cultural or religious events. We recommend
mahouts, veterinary surgeons, our officers inspect the animals monthly
and elephants need to have a suitable environment for the elephants.
Otherwise we take the elephant back", he explained.
Gunaratne said in addition to the cost of medicine, vitamins, the
daily cost of food for an elephant is between Rs. 5,000 to Rs. 6000.
Pubudu Weeraratne, an environmentalist accused elephant owners for
not engaging in captive breeding and using animals for maximum work such
as transporting illegal timber, in gem mining sites and as tourists
attractions in areas like Habarana.
He revealed that baby elephants from Eth Athuru Sevana were illegally
taken by some individuals under the influence of certain priests in
temples. Over 35 such young elephants are now given to some individuals.
In one such incident, a baby elephant, which was seen on site in
Horrowopathana, where its mother was ill and was receiving treatment,
went missing. Six months ago, DWLC officials detected a lorry carrying a
collared baby elephant, which was released from the orphanage to the
Lunugamwehera National Park, he said revealing another incident where an
elephant known as Kapila, died of starvation as he was not given
sufficient food.
Weeraratne, who suggested a system, where a herd of 20 elephants at
Pinnawala should be trained for peraheras and could be hired for
religious ceremonies, also proposes artificial insemination like in
Thailand to improve captive breeding.
"If Pinnawala was able to give birth to over 50 elephants during the
last 30 to 40 years, the question arises as to why private elephant
owners were able to breed only three elephants. Unfortunately the unique
Navam Raja and Millangoda Raja could not pass on their unique genes to
give rise to another generation", he said.
Discourage captive breeding
According to Weeraratne the elephant owners discourage captive
breeding as elephant pregnancy is over 22 months and calves need to be
looked after for the next seven to eight years. Shantha Jayaweera,
Co-ordinator of the Elephant Conservation Forum denied that there were
insufficient tame elephants for peraheras and claimed that the
elephant-human conflict would be aggravated if the government implements
a plan to capture elephants from the wild to ease the shortage of
domesticated elephants.
He said there are 24 tuskers including nine from India, Thailand and
Burma. He said 15 tuskers either died accidently or were killed on
Jayaweera, who has photographs of 12 tuskers which were killed,
requests local and foreign tourists not to encourage elephant safaris as
the animals are being exploited to the maximum.
He said elephants hired for safaris are given little food and on days
when vehicle bringing food do not return the animals have to wait till
the next day to have their meal.
"Athula, the tusker became aggressive as the mahout ill-treated him.
But within a few days he was killed by the same mahout. He was badly
injured. Chandru, one of the most magnificent tuskers, died due to
starvation and he was also badly treated while being trained by another
Chandru's mahout had a problem with the chief priest of the temple
and he left the job, the animal began missing him and stopped eating.
He was given to another temple and the mahout is alleged to have
ill-treated him to train him and this elephant too died within few days,
due to starvation and injuries.
Another baby elephant which was captured illegally from the wild and
tied on a river bank died due to heavy floods on the same day. But
later, his body was thrown onto a nearby electric fence to show that the
animal was electrocuted", he pointed out.
He questioned why private elephant owners, who are given over 65
elephants from Pinnawala since 1975 have not bred a single elephant.
Jayaweera who opposes capturing of elephants from the wild, proposes to
establish another location similar to Pinnawala for captive breeding in
the south.
Shortage of elephants
Environmentalists and elephant conservationists are up in arms
against Minister of Wildlife S.M. Chandrasena's announcement that
healthy elephants would be given to temples to ease the shortage of
elephants in peraheras.
Over a dozen NGOs to pulled out 200 volunteers the first-ever
islandwide elephant census.
When contacted Minister Chandrasena denied that he said strong
elephants would be picked from the wild. He said the media had misquoted
him. "What I said was that there were nearly 300 tame elephants in Sri
Lanka and were reducing gradually and the need to have a system to give
elephants to those who can afford to look after the animals.
I did not mean that the census was being conducted to hand pick the
best 3000 wild elephants to give them to be domesticated", he said.The
Minister said as a strong animal lover, he would not take any hasty
decision that would harm the country's fauna and elephants would only be
given to those who could look after them well and who have a stable
economic situation.
"The DWLC will frequently monitor the situation of these elephants
that are given away and if the animals are found not being looked after
well, we will take them back", he said.
The Minister also refuted allegations that an elephant was given to a
government minister and said no Minister would be given elephants but
those politicians whose generations looked after elephants and have
licences would be given elephants.
Meanwhile, Director General of the Department of Wildlife
Conservation H. Daya Ratnayake said the best solution to have more
domesticated elephants was not by capturing wild elephants but there
were several proposals came up in the dialogue between the DWLC and
private elephant owners.
He said the elephant census was carried out purely to establish a
good data base of the country's elephants.