Kelani Nadee Yathra:
A journey for climate justice
By Dhaneshi YATAWARA
has no boundaries. It never laid boundaries for countries and regions.
What happens to nature in one country could affect the entire earth. All
of us are siblings of the earth whether black or white, Western or
Located between 6-10 degrees of the north latitude and between 80-82
degrees of the east longitude, the pearl of the Indian ocean - Sri Lanka
is becoming a victim of climate change too.
Scorching heat, irregular rain patterns, increase in vector borne
diseases with bizarre names are becoming quite common and yet never was
it realised that climate change, global warming has a part to play.
Climate change impacts become significant through vector ( specially
mosquitoes) and rodent borne diseases, food and water borne diseases,
changes in nutritional levels and many other environment related health

President of the Eco Friendly Volunteers (Eco-V) Kanchana
Weerakoon |
Rather than safeguarding ourselves and preparing to face the possible
fiasco we prefer to sit and watch while blaming the developed world for
their higher carbon emissions. Fortunately Sri Lanka is one of the
countries which emits carbon less than 1 metric ton. According to recent
statistics carbon emitted by Sri Lanka is around 0.6 metric tons whereas
the world average is 4.5 metric tons and in USA alone carbon emission
per person is 25 metric tons.
The ‘Kelani Nadee Yathra’ A journey to raise awareness on adversities
of climate change will take place from August 15-29 organized by eco
friendly Volunteers Twenty young nature enthusiasts, between the age of
18-20 will start the journey for climate justice from Nallathanniye on
‘Sripada’ (Adam’s peak) and will be trekking, floating and cycling along
the Kelani river.
Eco Friendly Volunteers is a non-profit organisation to conserve
nature. The Provincial Environment Ministry of the Western Province, UN
Volunteers and the Sri Lanka Scout Association jointly supports the
endeavour. Among the volunteers are rehabilitated ex-LTTE military
cadres who are now enjoying their lives with their families.
“The community project will help change the attitudes towards climate
change and its effects,” on nature at grassroots level, said Western
Province Minister of Environment Udaya Gammanpila. “Many people are not
aware that climate change is one of the main reasons for agricultural,
health and climatic problems we face,” Minister Gammanpila said.
Highlighting the importance of choosing Kelani river minister Gammanpila
said that with the rise in sea water levels more salt water tend to flow
inland thus making the water of the river unusable. “Extracting river
sand despite the ban and limitations imposed on the trade has aggravated
the situation,” he added.

Western Province Minister of Environment Udaya Gammanpila
addressing the media conference |
The salt water has caused irreparable damages to arable lands at
certain locations along the Kelani river.
“Climate change has not been properly discussed at grass rootlevels.
People need to understand how to change their lifestyles and adopt
strategies in their day-to-day life to mitigate the impact of climate
change,” said President of the Eco Friendly Volunteers (Eco-V) Kanchana
“We need to educate the younger generation how to adapt eco-friendly
habits. It is high time that a national awareness campaign is launched
to enlighten people on climate change rather blaming the developed world
for their higher carbon emission,” Weerakoon said.
Weerakoon said sensitivity of the community towards environment
issues should be elevated and the best way to educate the younger
generation and develop these skills. “We hope to enlighten policy-makers
by bringing to their notice issues among communities. Kelani Nadee
Yathra highlights these issues among the residents along the Kelani
river which is polluted by human activities.
Armed with Sri Lankan youngsters the Scout Association Colombo
District branch joins hands with Eco-V into this group of Samaritans.
“Scouts enjoy the outdoor life for over 100 years and have always
considered environment as a key part in the success of an individual,”
said the Assistant District Commissioner of the Colombo District Scouts
Darshana Ranathunga. “Hikers would stop at the Salawa Camp in Kosgama of
the Scout Association on August 25 and several programs will be
conducted before leaving to Wattala to end the journey,” Ranathunga
This camp site located along the Kelani river is providing the scouts
a place to enjoy nature and outdoor life, he added.
For the scouts it is also the Scout Centres for Excellence for Nature
and Environment. Sir Robert Baden Powell, the founder of the Scout
Movement said “For those who have eyes to see and ears to hear, the
forest is at once a laboratory, a club and a temple. The UN Volunteers
supports the Eco-V effort as 2011 is the UN year for volunteers.
Representing UN Volunteers Fadhil Bakir Marker said it is high time to
appreciate and recognize the hard work of volunteers.
Starting a long walk the ‘Kelani Nadee Yathra’ will start the
campaign from the ‘Sama Chaithyaya’ in Siripada and journey along the
Kelani river. The Eco-V targets communities to live along Kelani River,
people in Sri Lanka and later the Asia_Pacific region as a post-project
activity. The whole travel will be done as segments with stop-overs by
bus, bicycles and on foot at pre determined places. Once the journey
starts several awareness workshops for the respective communities with
presentations, film shows and discussions will be organised at seven
different stations where the trekkers will be camping overnight. The
tree planting campaigns at which 100 trees will be planted at each stop
will be organised at those stations with the support of local
governmental agencies.
Energy saving bulbs and water saving tips will be introduced at the
same stations where local environmental groups can continue promoting
them even after. Final day gathering will be held at Kelaniya Temple
where experience will be shared with the government officers, and
various stakeholders.
All the participants and organisers will maintain an environmental
friendly lifestyle during the river campaign and the carbon footprint
will be minimized. Local environmental groups will be empowered by
sharing information.
A community action plan and a final report of the outputs will be
prepared by the youth group with the support of ECO-V and will be
presented to the higher government authorities. Each youth traveller
should initiate a project related to climate change issues at local
level and the best project will be selected and rewarded. According to
Weerakoon necessary guidance and support will be given by Eco-V to the
travellers. |