Global Art Competition
Yasami wins first prize
 The Global Young Learner Art competition on the theme 'My Favourite
Food' was conducted by the British Council for students under eight
years recently.
K.A. Upani Yasami, a Grade 5 student of St. Joseph's Girls School,
Kegalle, was awarded the first place.
The drawings of the first prize winners, which includes 12-year-old
Chandima Prasanjith Bandara Samarakoon's drawing (Kandy) will be sent to
London to be presented at the final round of the competition.
The runners up were: Harindu Palliyaguru (age 11, Kandy) and Tharaka
Narmada Mayadunne (age 13, Colombo). Yasani's won her first-place
depicted the preparation of a traditional food, kevum.
She has proved her talent in art by winning many other competitions.
At the all island art competition organised by the Ministry of Education
in 2009, she won second place, and at the Sabaragamu Children's Art
Competition she won third place.
She is not only a talented artist but also a talented dancer. At the
all Island School Competition of Dancing 2010, she won first place in
the Primary opening section.

Medicine and science
1. The discovery of invisible germs and bacteria led the way to the
progress of pasteurization and immunization,which saved countless
2. Name two people responsible for this great breakthrough in
3. When was ether introduced as an anaesthetic for dental work and
4. In which year were antiseptics introduced into the world of
5. When were hypodermic needles and x-rays invented?
6. Who invented x- rays?
7. Who pioneered the use of anticeptics on wound dressings?
8. A great advance in theoratical science came with the publication
of the book, The origin of Species by Charles Darwin (1809-1882).In
which year was the book published?
9. Who put forward the theory of an Ice Age in large areas of Europe
with the publication of a book entitled Systeme Glaciaire, (The Glacial
System) in 1847?
10.When was Sigmund Freud who invented the new science of
psychoanalysis, born?
Electricity and photography
1.When did the English scientist Michael Faraday invent the dynamo?
2.In which year was he born?
3. Thomas Edison pioneered the electric bulb in 1879.True/false?
4. In 1880 the electric bulb was used for the first time to light up
something. Can you name it?
5. In which year did Thomas Edison invent the phonograph or
6. In which year was the first hydro electric power station built?
7. Who invented the steel converter which enabled industrialists to
mass produce steel, cheaply?
8. Alfred Nobel (1833-1896),the Swedish chemist was responsible for
the invention of the explosive dynamite, a manageable form of
nitroglycerin. True/false?
9. The first photographs (daguerrotypes or "photogenic drawings" )
were taken by Louis Daguerre and Whilliam Fox Talbot.In which year were
they taken?
10. Who invented the first roll film camera in 1888?
Medicine and science
1. True.
2. Louis Pasteur (1822-1895) in the 1840s and Robert Koch(1840-1910)
in the 1880s.
3. In the 1840s.
4. In 1865.
5. Hypodermic needles were invented in 1853 and x- rays in 1895.
6. X -rays were invented by Wilhelm Rontgen.
7. Joseph Lister pioneered the use of anticeptics on wound dressings
8. The book, The Origin of Species by Charles Darwin was published in
9. Louis Agassiz (1807-1873),a naturalist and glaciologist.
10.Sigmund Freud was born in 1856. He died in 1939.
Electricity and photography
1.Michael Faraday invented the dynamo in 1831.
2.He was born in 1791. He died in 1867.
3. True.
4. In 1880 the electric bulb was used for the first time to light up
a steamship.
5. Thomas Edison invented the phonograph or gramophone in 1877.
6. The first hydro electric power station was built in 1882.
7.The steel converter which enabled industrialists to mass produce
steel cheaply was invented by Henry Bessemer in 1856.
8. True. Even though he invented it to improve productivity in the
mining industry, it had far reaching applications in the munition
industry too.
9. In 1838.
10.George Eastman.
Don't tolerate
abuse, call the hotline
Child abuse is taking place in many parts of the country today. Even
while you read this article a helpless child is being subjected to
abuse, somewhere in this land. Perhaps he or she is suffering silently,
unable to cry out for help, out of fear. You can be their voice.
No child should be robbed of his/her childhood or innocence because
of an immoral or cruel act of a heartless adult. If you are a victim of
abuse or know of any child who is being abused, pluck up courage and
reach out for that phone. A hotline has been set up by the National
Child Protection Authority (NCPA) especially for YOU. However, don't be
hasty to mix up discipline with child abuse. So, be aware, be alert and
be protected. Do not tolerate abuse any more. |