Love Mother Nature!
Be a
green person
If someone asked you what nature is, you will simply answer that it
is all that comprises fauna and flora in the environment. Have you ever
heard of the beautiful sayings of the famous Red Indian Chief Seattle?
He said, “Man doesn’t weave the web of life - he is merely one strand of
it.” He was a great nature lover of a bygone era.
He considered green plants as his brothers and sisters. A green
person always lives with nature and loves it immensely.
The conservation of Mother Nature has become a hot topic, especially
these days due to global warming. Since the extent of natural vegetation
all over the world is rapidly reducing day by day, great efforts are
being made to create an awareness of the urgent need to protect these
fragile marvels of nature.
The ‘Ruk Reka Ganno’ organisation of Sri Lanka does a splendid
service to protect and preserve the unrivalled glory of our country.
Do you know, the famous actress Mrs. Irangani Serasinghe is a founder
member of that organisation?’
In order to protect Mother Nature and stop polluting it we can adopt
several measures. The disposal of garbage has become the most common
hazard faced by us at present. If we could come up with ways of
disposing garbage on a regular basis, without polluting the environment,
or take measures to recycle it, we will really be able to conserve
Mother Nature.
Meanwhile, the Government and authorities responsible for the
conservation of forests should be more vigilant about the illegal
activities carried out in forests such as the smuggling of endemic
species and felling of trees without permits. Forest lands are being
cleared without any replanting done.
We should realise that there will be no life on Earth, without these
green plants we so carelessly destroy. We can launch campaigns to plant
at least some of the endemic varieties of plants which are becoming
Mother Nature will certainly be pleased if we could stop using
polythene which isn’t biodegradable, and use some alternative material.
There is a universal call to create a green environment and this has
been taken up seriously in many parts of the world. We too can start
creating a green environment at least at school level, to reduce
environmental pollution. We will then not have to think about the
effects of deforestation in the near future. For the existence of all
living organisms, the biosphere is very important. So, much collective
effort is needed to conserve the pristine glory of Mother Nature.
If each of us tries to become a ‘green person’ who loves Mother
Nature and live by example, in the near future, the whole community will
begin to think about nature.
We have to remember another important fact mentioned by Chief
Seattle, that if we destroy one strand of the web, it will continue to
destroy the whole web.
We all love Mother Nature as we are indeed a part of it. So, try to
be a green person and protect and conserve nature.
Then the pristine beauty of nature will last forever, and we too can
continue our journey as human beings on this beautiful Earth, with the
great blessings of Mother Nature.
D.J. Sachini Wathsala,
B/D Dharmapala Maha Vidyalaya.
She is our saviour
The supreme power that gave life for all,
flora and fauna....
One mother for the sole earth,
making a beautiful paradise
in the far Milky Way.

The bluish-green mountains
stand as a giant rampart,
Mother Nature is indeed the saviour
of all nations....
The gushing and gurgling of water
from the fall
Is such a contrast to the
repelling sounds of the city
The melancholic call
of the blue peacock,
is indeed a sight for sore eyes
But, alas! she’s in mortal danger
The threat of a tragic catastrophe...
Is increasing in leaps and bounds,
It’s what the wicked man has created
The lubdub of her inner core murmur
to save her....
must not be ignored.
Let not such a catastrope befall her
She is our very saviour...
- Sachini WATHSALA |