Edwin Thumboo’s exposition of ‘The sin of David’:
Three verse compositions depicting an innerness of three Biblical
By Dilshan BOANGE
Emeritus Professor of English and Literature of the National
University of Singapore Prof. Edwin Thumboo is regarded as the poet
laureate of Singapore. His life and career as an exponential figure
distinguished in letters has contributed much to the furtherance of the
postcolonial literary identity of Asia. And it is no wonder that Sri
Lanka’s own Prof. Wimal Dissanayake has praised Prof. Thumboo as
“Singapore’s foremost poet.” In this article I wish to discuss some
impressions relating to three poems in Prof. Thumboo’s book Still
Travelling which is incidentally his sixth book of poems.
The poems are –‘David from the terrace’, ‘Uriah’ and ‘Bathsheba.’ At
the very outset it may strike to the reader of the common line of
imagery that resonates from the above titles. They are very strongly
Biblical in their essence. And further more the poems present a subtle
line of connectivity amongst their narrative lines and thus pose a line
of inter-textuality between them if looked at within the scope of their
thematic placement.
‘David from the terrace’
‘David from the terrace’ seems very much to be a scene from the life
of King David and presents a flow of emotions running between anxiety
and sadness, regret and resolve and so on, which builds a narrative of a
particular moment which appears to be in the context of war. But what
makes the poem in my opinion one that dwells more into the being of the
speaker is its interiority in
terms of ‘what it deals with’. It is not so much a description by the
poet of a moment but taking on the role of the King in that given
situation and constructing a voice that speaks his emotional turbulences
in an overwhelming moment. By this modality one may not be given the
fullest picture in terms of the background to the situation and so on
that a poem of epic proportions would have.
After all what the poet has presented us, the reader is a window in
the character he has created from the world of Biblical stories and
rendered his version of narrating King David’s mindset. The narrative
which may qualify as an interior monologue since it is certainly not a
soliloquy, speaks of a female persona that is not named and is made into
a very poetically ambiguous element.
“Her walk is meant for palaces, her breath for Kings. How
her garment loosed, slipped-fell, quelling
Doubt as hesitation broke; never thus for
Me before.”
The above excerpt is but an instance where the King’s thoughts focus
give allusion to the female who has preoccupied a significant part of
his thoughts. “She sends three words. What now.” The very tenseness that
is prinking the narrator’s emotional setup is very evident from the
afore quoted line.
What could these ‘three words’ be? The poet does not make us privy to
the narrator’s mindset in such terms that makes us feel distanced from
the situation the speaker unravels in his stream of thoughts. In such a
position one may wonder, how close are we actually allowed to be to the
thoughts of the speaker? It is in this light that I feel some of the
answers may manifest as one turns the pages of the book.
Bathsheba’s predicament
The poem ‘Bathsheba’ is clearly based on the wife of Uriah the
Hittite who later became the wife of King David. Bathsheba’s words
convey the state of a tormented heart which seeks redemption as well as
punishment from the almighty. She asks for her husband –Uriah the
Hittite, to be sent to her.
The Biblical story of Uriah the Hittite says that Uriah was in the
battlefield when his wife Bathsheba was taken by King David to his bed
and resulted in Bathsheba conceiving a child.
The poem presents the predicament of Bathsheba for being part of the
sin of adultery and how her conscience troubles her.
“Daily, the sun rises on my guilt,
And sets on nights of tight contrition.”
How will you punish me, my God?
How will you end my fearful sin?”
Betwixt these two poems is “Uriah” the poem that speaks of the
thoughts of Uriah the Hittite husband of Bathsheba who from the war
front thinks of his wife and the duties he owes to his fellow soldiers
on the battlefront to stay with them and not leave back for the kingdom
as ordered by the word sent by King David who according to the story of
the bible wanted Uriah to come back to his wife in the hope that a night
of love between the husband and wife would shield any suspicions over
the paternity of the child that has been conceived in Bathsheba by King
The unsuspecting Uriah
The thoughts of Uriah as crafted by the poet speak very touchingly of
sincere sentiments of a loving husband about his wife whom he believes
is true and faithful to him. And moreover his thoughts of his liege are
respectful and show his loyalty as a soldier.
“The king is kind. He feels; wants me home.
I know Bathsheba waits, loving as Heaven.
Leonard Cohen |
But the rules of war, and Rabbah still defiant.”
The word ‘Rabbah’ refers to the city of Rabbath which King David sent
his armies to lay siege to in which force Uriah was a soldier.
And it is from this context that we find the mindset of Uriah who
seems happy to be recalled but embattled over the situation in the war
front. Reading these poems as a trio that builds a narrative that
presents the states of emotions and anxieties of the three persons who
are involved in the story of King David’s sin or shame gives a spectrum
of how the story may be viewed from point of character confessions or
thought streams.
And further some of the questions that arise when reading the poems
in isolation can probably be answered when the three are looked at
together. Whom is David referring to as she in the poem ‘David from the
terrace’? It becomes evident when one reads the poem ‘Bathsheba’ that it
is indeed the wife of Uriah the Hittite. And when the words of David say
‘She send three words. What now’ is seems very likely to be that the
message that ‘Bathsheba is pregnant’.
In these three poems that are probably meant by the poet to be read
as a trio that would string together the emotional states of David,
Bathsheba and Uriah to present the situation they were brought into as a
result of David’s sin. I further believe that Prof. Thumboo may have
presented the voices of these three characters in three separate poems
to depict how at such predicaments these persons could be looked as
isolated and even lonely persons. Rather than presenting an account of
David’s sin in a single narrative the poet offers us three poems that
present the mindsets of the three persons that form the historic
biblical episode.
Resonance with the lyrics of Leonard Cohen
King David |
One of the most striking poetic impressions that came to me when
reading these poems by Prof. Thumboo was the song Hallelujah by Leonard
Cohen which revolves around the sin of David and presents in an
incomparably beautiful poetic expression of that impious moment –
“Your faith was strong but you needed proof,
You saw her bathing on the roof, Her beauty in the moonlight
overthrew you.”
The sin of David was caused by giving in to the desire to taste the
pleasure of a woman’s physical beauty. And the poem ‘David from the
Terrace’ aptly starts with –“Just when I thought the pleasure safe.”
In the aftermath of the act of adultery the king finds himself in a
state of torment as does Bathsheba, yet the unsuspecting Uriah is lead
to his demise according to the story in the bible due to the sin of
David, but before that as he rides to heed the word of his king, and it
is this intermediate state of the three persons who are yet to find
themselves facing the ultimate test on their morals and resolves Prof.
Edwin Thumboo crafts poetic portrayals of what their embattled minds.