Dredging to be completed by year's end:
Magampura will soon supersede Colombo port - SLPA chairman

Dr. Priyath Bandu Wickrema
Refuting Opposition claims including the 'unmovable rock at the
Harbour mouth' which they claim to have stopped construction on
Magampura Port project, the Sri Lanka Ports Authority (SLPA) Chairman,
Dr. Priyath Bandu Wickrema said the dredging work of the channel will be
completed before the end of the year.
He said the new port with its modern facilities and services will
supersede Colombo Port within few years into becoming one of the mega
ports in the world.
Excerpts of the interview with Sri Lanka Ports Authority (SLPA),
Chairman, Dr. Priyath B WickremA:
Q: How do you respond to the opposition claims in Parliament that the
Hambantota Port can never be developed into an international port and it
was an election gimmick or a publicity stunt by the Government ?
A: In the recent past there have been several allegations on the
Magampura Mahinda Rajapaksa Port. These allegations seemed to have been
based on the following concerns related to one another.

A vessel arrives at the Magampura Port |
Insufficient depth of the harbour
Inability to obtain an insurance for the port
Non-availability of a clear map
Non-arrival of ships to the port
Presence of huge irremovable rock mass at harbour mouth
Dangers to the structures and the civil life of Hambantota town in
the event of blasting the said rock mass
Requirement of large additional loan to remove the rock
Risk of wasting millions of dollars
Time to time these allegations either appeared in newspapers,
electronic media or spread as rumours. The real facts on the cost of the
project, including additional costs experiencing due to quantity
variations of hard and soft material in the basin and the channel has
been revealed by me as the Chairman of SLPA in various forums. However,
these facts have been either misinterpreted or led to some wrong
Q: What is the progress of its development ? What will take place in
the future?
A: The claim that there is a huge irremovable rock mass at the
harbour mouth is far beyond the truth. The construction works of
Magampura Mahinda Rajapaksa Port commenced in January 2008 as a green
field port in the vicinity of Karagam lewaya. Excavation work comprised
two major components; Basin excavation and Channel dredging. The Basin
is separated by the Channel from the A2 road around 235 km post. Both
excavating the Basin in the Karagam lewaya and dredging works of Channel
from the sea side, approximately 1km away from the Basin, commenced
simultaneously. From then onwards both activities moved ahead in
parallel independent to each other.
However, dredging work had to be stopped during the periods of
monsoons. Dredging comprised with soft and hard material requiring
blasting. By the ceremonial opening on 18th November 2011, excavation of
Basin had been fully completed (up to -17m) together with most of the
land side construction work, while an area of approximately 10,000 m2
(100 m by 100m area) in the Channel was left without dredging to the
intended depth. The balance area of the channel had been dredged up to
intended depth, -16m, at the time.
It was decided to ceremonially open the port on this date with a
channel dredging progress of 96%, this being an auspicious day for such
The dredging work continued after the opening day. It was again
suspended in May 2011 due to monsoons. About 0.4% (50m x 70m) of the
total volume of the dredging work of the channel is still remaining.
This work would commence after the monsoon at the end of September
and is expected to be completed within 45 days.
Therefore, the excavation work remaining at present (including rock
requiring blasting) is not an irremovable rock mass but continuation of
the similar work performed during the port construction.
Preliminary arrangements for the construction of Phase II of the Port
have now being made with the signing of the agreements completed. Phase
II of the Project includes 2,137 m long berth to accommodate 6 ships at
once with quay wall depth - 17m.
In addition to that an artificial Island will be made on the sea
using excavated soil. Flyover bridge, Naval Terminal Roads and Yards,
Port Handling Equipment are some of key items in the Phase II and it is
expected to be completed by the end of 2014.
SLPA has floated a Request of Proposal (RFP) scheme and attracted 27
entrepreneurs interested in developing business ventures within the
port. Out of the above 14 of them have been identified and short listed.
The Cabinet has given approval for three business ventures, investments
amounting over US $ 600 million. On signing the agreement with these
investors they will start constructing their factories and so on which
will also create business in terms of project cargo, initially. The
balance short listed investments will also be considered gradually.
After the closing date of the RFP more entrepreneurs inquired
possibility of establishing industries in Port premises. Considering the
demand, SLPA is indenting to float another RFP to accommodate those
entrepreneurs. This will gain large income to the Port in leasing the
land, royalty, cargo handling charges, Port charges etc.
A ship repair yard is also planned to establish within the port
premises in an area of 48 hectares of land. As the demand of the
investors is high another RFP will also be planned to float soon.
Q: You said despite accusations maritime operators regard the port as
a safe place.
Very recently an International Floating Library Ship, MV Logos Hope
called at the Magampura Mahinda Rajapaksa Port. The total crew of the
ship around 300 belong to nearly 50 countries.
The Ship was berthed at the Port for nearly four days. Another
International cruise is scheduled to arrive at the Port in early
Q: How do you respond to the critics who say this port will have
serious issues with regard to maritime insurance?
Ports are not insured as a whole though various plants or machinery
may be insured against various perils. Colombo Port has never obtained
an insurance of that nature and ships in international voyage on the
other hand need to be insured against various risks.
Ships entering Colombo Port were imposed an additional insurance
cover or subject to high insurance premiums at the time Sri Lanka faced
serious security threats from LTTE. However, it is important to have
Admiralty Chart indicating the location and hydro graphical data
creating an identity for the port. These charts are published by UK
Hydrographer of the Navy.
The National Aquatic Resources Research and Development Agency (NARA)
liaises with UK Hydrographer of the Navy and get these new charts or
annual updates. NARA is in the process of collecting the relevant data
from the Ports Authority for sending to UK Hydrographer of the Navy on
completion of the balance 0.4% of dredging work at the channel. However,
even without published Admiralty chart six international ships have
already been to the Magampura port.
Q: How long will it take to develop this Port to the standard of
Colombo harbour or any international Port ?
A: The Colombo Port has been conceptually in operation since 15th
Century with starting of anchoring vessels approximately at the present
location. However, it had taken hundreds of years to transform this port
facility into its present status.
On the contrary Magampura port, a green field brand new port, with
berths of -17m depth & 1,200m length, substantial backupyard and utility
buildings including fourteen storied administration building has been
constructed within 39 months.
Cranes will be installed within 12 months. Marketing the port without
constructing is hardly possible as the construction takes longer time
and there could be many reasons hindering construction even with the
best plans on boards. For example, the Hambantota and Colombo South Port
was discussed for years without commencing any construction work.
Having constructed Magampura Port with the above facilities will take
some time to familiarise among the world of shipping and port even with
the strenuous marketing in position. Unlike small business ventures
ports will not be fully operational just after opening and this aspect
was taken into account. As Sri Lanka Ports Authority has taken some
initiative in this respect long before and this port will be expected to
become a busy port within a short time. Setting up industries within the
harbour premises is already in progress.
Q: Sri Lanka is vying to become the maritime hub of South Asia, what
is in the pipeline to fulfil this dream?
Geographical location is the most important factor behind the
development of Port in Sri Lanka. To grasp this advantageous location
Government had decided to develop all the existing Ports in Sri Lanka as
well as Green Fields Ports such as the Magampura Mahinda Rajapaksa Port.
The Colombo Port with the new development of Colombo South Port, is
aiming to develop as mega container transshipment hub. Meanwhile all the
actions had been taken to modernise the present existing Port of
Colombo. The Colombo South Port is in Progress.
As no sufficient space at Colombo Port for port related industries,
and a bit far away from the main shipping root compared to the
Hambantota, Magampura Mahinda Rajapaksa Port at Phase I, it is targeting
to cater for Port related industries, as a service Port providing oil
bunkering facility including offshore bunkering , ship channelling etc.
Since a huge land within the Port is allocated for ship
repairing/building yard and Phase II of the Project providing sufficient
yards and equipments for container handling, within few years Hambantota
will become one of the mega ports in the world.
With the Development of Colombo Port, Sri Lanka as a whole will
become a maritime hub in South Asia.
Q: Why do you think the opposition single out the Hambantota harbour
to attack the government, can there be something legitimate in their
A: The Hambantota Port is one of the largest multi billion projects
launched by the government in the history of Sri Lanka.
Where there is a port town, province and the region gets developed.
In good old days people other than the Eastern Province had not heard
about 'Oluvil'. But today it is a different story and Oluvil is included
in geography maps.
With the Port of Mahinda Rajapaksa at Magampura, the whole Hambantota
District, including Embilipitiya, Tissamaharama, Rathnapura, Matara
etc., will be developed. Even now most of the roads, are being developed
as roads with 4 lane traffic, with reservation to 6 lanes.
The Sooriyawewa Cricket Ground, Mattala Air Port, extension of
Railway line from Matara via Hambantota, extension of Southern Highway
are in the implementation stage. In addition, if Hambantota wins the bid
to host the Common Wealth Games 2018, the scale of development in the
District will be unimaginable. It has been planned to set up
International Universities in Hambantota.
Development of Hambantota begins with the port. This could be a
reason for the opposition to single this out to attack the Government. |