NCCSL on carbon-neutral drive
The National Chamber of Commerce of Sri Lanka (NCCSL) has launched a
program to raise awareness among corporates on the need to be carbon
neutral and enhance efficiency.
Sujeiva Samaraweera |
The, NCCSL Secretary, Sujeiva Samaraweera said that the objective of
the program is to help organisations mitigate the carbon output and
transform the businessess.
"The Chamber has been conducting seminars and workshops to educate
the corporates to be carbon neutral by reducing its foot print which is
essential to combat effects of global warming and climate change", he
A carbon footprint of an organisation is the total emission of Green
House Gas(GHG). GHGs are emitted through burning of fossil fuels such as
gas, oil and coal.
Transportation, use of electricity, site fuel combustions, production
of food and waste generation contribute to the emission of GHGs.
Samaraweera said that due to many countries showing a blatant
disregard to the Kyoto Protocol corporates will be urged to cut their
carbon footprints or pay a penalty.
The Kyoto Protocol was negotiated in 1997 as a supplement to the
Framework Convention on Climate Change and ratified in 2005.
Richer countries are subjected to legally binding targets for cutting
GHG emissions by five percent to the 1990 level of global emission
before 2012.
Samaraweera said an organisation can set targets to reduce its carbon
output after calculating the carbon footprint.
The organisation then could buy carbon credits from carbon markets to
become carbon neutral.
Around 65 percent of the global 500 companies have implemented carbon
emission reduction targets.
Addidas, Marks & Spencer, Walmart, Tesco, TUI, the Hilton Group,
Deutsche Bank and HSBC are some of the global companies which have
become carbon neutral.
MAS Holdings and Brandix are some of the companies that have achieved
carbon neutral status in Sri Lanka.