Win a valuable book from
"Reading maketh a full man," it is said and the importance of reading
need not be reiterated. And, with the objective of promoting the habit
of reading among children the Junior Observer in collaboration with
Bookazone (Pvt.) Ltd; the innovators of the country's first web portal (,
will launch a competition starting next week to coincide with the
literary month - September.

We give a lucky reader an opportunity to win a valuable book priced
at Rs 1000 from All you have to do is answer a question and
mail it to the address given, on or before Friday of that week. The name
of the winner will be published later.
Here is how Bookazone will help you enter the magical world of books,
to not only entertain yourself but also enhance your knowledge.
It allows you to purchase any title of book regardless of the author,
publisher, or the country of origin. Although Bookazone web portal was
limited to English users since 2009, the latest additions of Sinhala and
Tamil is also accessible on and listing a
wide range of books written and published in local languages in addition
to what is offered in English apart from magazines, CDs and DVDs. It is
easy to access, as these sites are incorporated into their main site.
They also have more to offer with the adding of varied and popular
categories on a regular basis.
Once you place an order at Bookazone and make your payment,the
deliveries are made free of charge using the best secured mode to any
part of the island. In case you don't see the title listed in the
Bookazone web portal a simple email can be sent to inquire the
availability, price, and the number of days that it will take to source
the book.
So, keep improving your general knowledge to answer the question
posed every week. And what better way to do so than by READING!
Don't tolerate
abuse, call the hotline
Child abuse is taking place in many parts of the country today. Even
while you read this article a helpless child is being subjected to
abuse, somewhere in this land. Perhaps he or she is suffering silently,
unable to cry out for help, out of fear. You can be their voice.
No child should be robbed of his/her childhood or innocence because
of an immoral or cruel act of a heartless adult. If you are a victim of
abuse or know of any child who is being abused, pluck up courage and
reach out for that phone. A hotline has been set up by the National
Child Protection Authority (NCPA) especially for YOU. However, don't be
hasty to mix up discipline with child abuse. So, be aware, be alert and
be protected. Do not tolerate abuse any more.

Human body
1. The air that we breathe in goes down into the lungs through a
tube. What is this tube known as?
2. At which rate does our hair grow?
3. In the tissue of human skin there are certain colour bases called
chromogens which are actually colourless. But when certain ferments or
enzymes act on them they take on a definite colour. True/false?
4. The human skin itself is a creamy white and there are three other
colours which contribute to make the individual skin colour of a person.
What are these three colours ?
5. Most people are able to detect about 4,000 different smells with
chefs and people who make perfume able to detect about a 10,000
different smells. True/false?
1. Apart from the Sun and the Moon, Venus is the brightest
planet.What is this brightness due to ?
2. Why is Planet Venus' rotation on its axis considered strange?
3. A star is a huge ball of bright, hot gases which contains
hydrogen(its main source of energy) and other chemicals such as
helium,nitrogen,oxygen,iron, nickel and zinc.True /false?
4. When did Gemini, a series of space flights launched by the USA to
explore the Moon make its first space docking?
5. Mercury is the second smallest planet and it is closer to the
Sun.What is the distance between the Sun and Mercury?
Science and technology
1.What is the upward push on a floating object known as?
2. Sound waves do not travel smoothly through water like in air.
3.Who is known as the father of helicopters?
4. Name the four main colours used in colour printing.
5. Mirrors are pieces of glass coated with a reflective material on
the back so that when a beam of light strikes the surface,none of it is
Human body
1. It is called the trachea. This forks itself to form other smaller
tubes called bronchi which leads to the lungs.
2. The growth rate has been measured as about 1.5 cm (half an inch)
per month.The hair does not grow at the same rate throughout the
day.However, scientists say it seems
to follow a certain system. It grows at a slow pace at night but
faster during the day, especially between 10 to 11 a.m and 4 to 6 p.m
3. True.
4. A tinge of yellow, due to the presence of yellow pigments in the
skin, black, due to the presence of tiny granules of melanin and red
colour of the tiny vessels of the skin.The final skin colour depends on
the combined proportions of the four tones (creamy white ,yellow,black
and red)
5. True.
1. The brightness is due to the fact that Venus is covered with an
unbroken blanket of clouds which reflects most of the sunlight.
2. Venus' rotation on its axis is considered strange because unlike
other planets it rotates from east to west . It also takes longer to
spin on its axis than it does to orbit the Sun.
3. True.
4. The first space docking was made by Gemini 8 in March 1966.
5. It is 46 million miles away from the Sun. It is so near to the Sun
that its days are very long and it has extreme temperatures.
Science and technology
1.The upward push on a floating object is known as buoyancy or the
buoyant force.
2. False. Sound waves travel smoothly through water.
3. Igor Sikorsky is known as the father of helicopters.
4. The four main colours used in colour printing are
cyan,magenta,yellow and black.
5 . True. |