Punarukthi :
Meandering between fiction and biography
Candid in expression and plain in diction,
Punarukthi, a biographical novel by Anoma Janadare, reveals gory
aspects of domestic life in an impoverished Sri Lankan family where
under the facade of a patriarchical society, women’s rights to a
decent life have been brazenly violated at the hands of male members
of the family.
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Abhimansala – Sri Lanka Army’s newly constructed
Wellness Resort:
Don’t let the sun go down on them
The cool breeze blowing through every inch of
the ‘Abhimansala’ soothes the scorching heat of ‘Rajarata’ as well
as minds of these men from their wounds of a horrific past. Spending
over Rs. 200 million the Anuradhapura ‘Abhimansala’ is constructed
to accommodate 52 inmates. Among them 32 are bed-ridden and depend
on the caring of the medical and nursing staff. Some are ambulant,
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