Colombo, a city of excellence :
Milinda’s policy statement tomorrow
The policy statement of the UPFA Mayoral candidate for the Colombo
Municipal Council, Milinda Moragoda which aims at making Colombo a city
of excellence will be launched tomorrow at 10.30 am at the Mahaweli
Centre. The 12 point policy statement which includes a 100 day program,
short term programs and the long term vision for the Colombo city will
be launched at the ceremony. Prior to launching the policy statement,
Moragaoda met all Buddhist, Hindu and Catholic religious dignitaries to
brief them about his plan to improve the Colombo city and also sought
their views. He met the Archbishop of Colombo Cardinal Malcom Ranjith
yesterday morning and had discussions regarding the important areas that
need to be improved in the city.
The Colombo Municipal Council (CMC) should be transformed into an
advanced administrative and development centre, said Colombo Mayoral
candidate Milinda Moragoda.
”Essentially it should be transformed from its age-old set up. We
should emulate some city Councils in developing countries which have
their own revenue generating resources. They do not depend only on
Central Government funds for development activities,” Moragoda said.
Moragoda has invited proposals to overhaul the CMC and the blueprint
will be presented tomorrow at the Mahaweli Centre.
He said that a new city culture has to be created.
The beauty of the Colombo city is its diversity and the harmonious
existence of communities such as Sinhalese, Muslims and Tamils.
The Colombo city symbolises national integration which is the prime
need of the hour, he said.
He said that he had never engaged in politics and given various
promises to the voters.
The only solution to the city’s housing problem is more flats, with
common amenities. In a new developed city old tenements such as Korean
watta and Somaliya watta will be converted to Singapore watta, he said.