Problems of Northern Islanders to be addressed

Minister Douglas Devananda and Major General (retd) G. A.
Chandrasiri at the discussion
The three-decade conflict in the North and the East deprived citizens
of their basic needs. The people in the North and the East were the most
A segment of the Northern community underwent agony in a different
way as they were isolated from the main peninsula in Jaffna. The people
living in islands had to lead a miserable life unnoticed by authorities.
Lack of drinking water, transportation, livelihood, healthcare and
sanitary facilities are some of the burning issues faced by the people.
The Government under the initiative of Economic Development Ministry
and with the intervention of Traditional Industries and Small Enterprise
Development Minister Douglas Devananda and Northern province Governor
Major General (retd) G. A. Chandrasiri special attention has been drawn
towards solving this burning issue faced by people in the islands.
According to Minister Douglas Devananda a crash program has already been
launched to address the issue of drinking water in Jaffna islands.
Sixteen tanks will be repaired and rehabilitated under the program.

Work in progress at the Veddukkalikulam in Delft |
Minister Douglas Devananda said that 16 tanks in Karainagar, Kytes,
Velanai and Delft islands and other minor tanks and ponds will be
deepened and rehabilitated before the monsoon rains enabling to store
rain water.
"This will enable people in Karainagar, Kytes, Velanai and Delft
Islands to solve their drinking water problem and fresh water needs,"
Minister Douglas Devananda said addressing several meetings in Jaffna
islands to review the progress of the tanks rehabilitation projects and
to look into the problems faced by people in the Jaffna islands.
Over 70 percent of the work on the Veddukkali Kulam in the Delft
island which commenced on August 14 with the participation of Economic
Development Minister Basil Rajapaksa, has been completed.
The Sri Lanka Army is providing support for this project deploying
five dozers to deepen and repair tank bund. The Sri Lanka Navy and
several other government institutions are extending their support for
the completion of this project, the Minister pointed out.
Apart from this project the rehabilitation of tanks in Karainagar and
Velani will also commence on September 11 and will be completed before
the monsoons, the Minister said.
Minister Douglas Devananda presented four water bowzers for Kytes and
Velanai Pradeshiya Sabhas at a ceremony in Kytes and Velani Pradeshiya
Sabhas on September 9.
As a part of improving the quality of life of the people living in
islands Minister Douglas Devanada also handed over Rs.1 million each for
the Cooperative Society and Fisheries Cooperative Societies of the two
Pradeshiya Sabhas.
For the Delft Cooperative Society and the Fisheries Cooperative
Society were given Rs.2 million and Rs.3 million each as soft loans to
improve their services in the Delft island.
Speedy measures were also taken to solve the education, transport and
health problems in these islands by Minister Douglas Devananda and
Northern Province Governor G.A. Chandrasiri during their discussion with
the Velanai and Kytes Pradeshiya Sabhas.
At the Kayts Divisional Development Council meeting held at the
Divisional Secretariat the people of the area, brought to the notice of
the Governor and Minister, the shortcomings in the services rendered to
The Minister and the Governor vouched that the problems will be
solved within a month. The Minister whilst promising the Velanai
Pradeshiya Sabha to get them four tractors and bowzers as a measure to
supply drinking water, said that he would explore the possibility of
implementing a scheme for the conversion of sea water into potable
The lack of sanitary facilities was also emphasised at the
discussions which focused on filling vacancies of doctors and nurses at
hospitals in Velanai and Kayts administrative areas. When the parents
pointed out that there was a shortage of teachers the Governor
instructed the officials to recruit teachers for compulsory subjects on
contract basis and to pay their salaries by the Provincial Council.
The Governor also promised to provide two buses for passenger
transport in the islets.
The Minister and the Governor held discussions on the progress of
road rehabilitation, rehabilitation of roads belonging to the Pradeshiya
Sabhas and Provincial Council, supply of electricity, livestock
development, new housing schemes, development of fishing industry and
implementation of agricultural projects with the relevant officials.
Supplying electricity under Uthuru Vasanthaya program, houses for the
homeless under Indian Housing scheme, developing the fishing industry
through loan schemes by the Provincial Council and solar powered water
pumps through a loan scheme to the farmers, were also discussed at this
The Northern Province Governor said that measures will be taken to
restore the prawn cultivation in the Jaffna peninsula.
"President Mahinda Rajapaksa is keen to help people in the Jaffna
islands as they expressed solidarity with the Government and the
President at the last General Election and also at the Local Government
election," the Minister Douglas Devananda said.
At the recent Local Government election the highest percentage of
voters in the Delft Island voted for the United People's Freedom
According to election results 84.33 per cent of the Delft island
voted for the UPFA while 77.45 per cent of the Kytes Pradeshiya Sabha
voted for the UPFA. |