China, the leading development partner of Sri Lanka
Prime Minister tells CIFIT 2011:
Prime Minister D.M. Jayaratne took part in the
inauguration of the China International Fair for Investment and
Trade (CIFIT) in Xiamen, China recently. Here is the keynote address
he made at the inauguration of the event. “It gives me immense
pleasure to be present at the inauguration of the China
International Fair for Investment and Trade (CIFIT) 2011 in the
beautiful city of Xiamen.
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Exclusive of the Sunday observer:
The partnerships we need
On this 10th anniversary of the terrorist
attacks of September 11, 2001, we remember that 9/11 was not only an
attack on the United States, it was an attack on the world and on
the humanity and hopes that we share. We remember that among the
nearly 3,000 innocent people lost that day were hundreds of citizens
from more than 90 nations.
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‘Political issues should be resolved through discussion’
In Sri Lanka, there is nothing scarier than
being a Tamil person of influence - whether you are a teacher, a
school principal, a doctor, a journalist, a politician, or a
successful businessman. Ordinary Tamils have learned to keep their
heads down, do exactly what their neighbours do, and not make waves.
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Nattamis, a vital cog in Pettah
The difficult service rendered by `Nattamis’ in
the Pettah market to transport goods from one place to another on
shoulders or by carts is appreciated by only a few in society. Many
people, especially the younger generation have neither heard about `Nattamis’
nor seen them carrying heavy loads of goods at the Pettah vegetable
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