Today is Binara Full Moon Poya Day:
Inauguration of the Bhikkhuni Order
Maha Prajapathi Gothami
asks the Buddha for permission to form the Bhikkhuni Order |
When Queen Mahamaya died seven days after the birth of Prince
Siddhartha, Maha Prajapathi Gothami, her sister, became his stepmother.
When the Buddha was at Nigrodharama in Kapilavasthu, Maha Prajapathi
Gothami met Him and sought to enter the Order. But the Buddha's response
was negative.
Although she made the request thrice to enter the Order, it was
turned down by the Buddha. However, she did not give up her endeavour.
After the Buddha went to Vishalapura and started residing at
Kootagarasala during the fifth Vas season, Maha Prajapathi Gothami with
500 other women, the wives of princes, having shaved their heads and
wearing yellow robes, visited Ananda Thera and asked his help to obtain
the Buddha's permission for them to enter the Order. Due to the
intervention of Ananda Thera, the Buddha granted permission to Maha
Prajapathi Gothami and the 500 Sakya women to enter the Order.
Permission was granted on a Binara Full Moon Poya Day.
Eight conditions
On entering the Order of the Bhikkhunis, they had to adhere to eight
conditions known as Ashta Garu Dharma:
1. Even a Bhikkhuni who had obtained the Higher Ordination a hundred
years ago should get up from her seat and pay due respect to a Bhikkhu
who had obtained Higher Ordination on that very day.
2. A bhikkhuni should not observe rain retreat (Vas) at a temple
where there are no Bhikkhus.
3. Every fortnight, Bhikkhunis should take advice regarding the 'Poya
Kamma' from Bhikkhus.
4. Bhikkhunis should end their rain retreat in front of both Bhikkhus
and Bhikkhunis.
5. A Bhikkhuni who committed a wrong act should perform duties for
six months and look after Bhikkhus and Bhikkhunis.
6. A Bhikkhuni should spend a training period for one year to obtain
Higher Ordination in the midst of Bhikkhus and Bhikkhunis.
7. A Bhikkhuni should not insult a Bhikkhu under any circumstances.
8. Bhikkhunis should not advise Bhikkhus but Bhikkhus are allowed to
advise Bhikkunis.
Bhikkhuni Order
After Maha Prajapathi Gothami and the other Sakyan women accepted the
eight conditions, the Bhikkhuni Order was established on a Binara Full
Moon Poya Day. The Buddha was the only religious leader who paved the
way for women to enter the Order.
The rainy season begins from Esala (July) and continues till Nikini
and Binara (August and September).
Therefore, Bhikkhus and Bhikkhunis live in their temples, engaged in
meditation and delivering sermons.
The Binara Full Moon Poya Day is important for us because the annual
festival of Mangala Maha Seya at Seruwawila is held on this day. The
dagaba was built by King Kavantissa.
The annual festival of Girihanduseya is also held on the Binara Poya
Day. After Enlightment, the Buddha was spending the seventh week under
the Rajayathana Kiripalu tree.
Thapassu and Bhalluka, who were brothers and merchants, offered alms
to the Buddha. When they asked something sacred to worship, the Buddha
gave them His hair relics.
Thapassu and Bhalluka came to Sri Lanka with the relics and enshrined
them at Girihanduseya in the Eastern Province. Therefore, the Binara
Full Moon Poya Day is an important day for Sri Lankans.