Fast asleep to wide
awake: Hibernating bears
Black bears hibernate, sleeping their way through winter, and who can
blame them? But science is only just beginning to understand the
physiological changes that allow bears to re-emerge in spring without
much muscle and bone loss, and how they escape from danger during the
colder months.
New research published in BioMed Central's open access journal BMC
Physiology used cardiac monitors and radio collars to measure the year
round changes in heart rate and activity of wild black bears.
Previous studies have shown that during hibernation black bears
undergo extreme variations in heart rate (respiratory sinus arrhythmia)
-- the bear's heart rate increases when it takes a breath but stops for
extended periods between breaths.

In this study the researchers were able to monitor wild American
black bears (Ursus americanus) throughout the year, 24 hours a day. They
found that the bears had a pronounced respiratory sinus arrhythmia
during hibernation and in the months leading up to their winter sleep.
In addition, the bears were less active during the day in autumn,
switching to being nocturnal.
During the summer months, bears were active for up to 18 hours per
day and had peak heart rates of over 200 beats per minute, however,
during hibernation, respiration rates were as low as two breaths per
minute and gaps of over 14 seconds without a heartbeat were recorded.
Pregnant wild bears hibernated deeply at the beginning of winter but
their heart rates increased as their pregnancy continued, spiking during
After the cubs were born their mother's heart rate returned to
hibernation levels. For several weeks after giving birth the mothers
also exhibited much less movement, preventing accidental damage to the
suckling cubs.
Dr Timothy Laske, one of the team who performed the research said,
"When we retrieved our data, even though we tried to be as quiet as
possible, the bears' heart rates increased before we reached the
entrance to their winter den and remained elevated for a number of days.
This confirms that despite apparent deep sleep, bears are always
alert to danger and ready to act."
Dr David Garshelis who collaborated on this project continued, "Using
this technology, year-round monitoring of wild bears allows us to
observe details of bear behaviour, such as pregnancy and birth, or
interactions between bears and other wild animals, without disturbing
their natural behaviour." Dr Laske added, "Black bears often make their
way into suburban areas which can be dangerous and stressful for both
bears and humans and understanding the silent effect of humans and the
environment on bears will also allow better bear management."