Binara Poya and the Bhikkuni Order
by Premasara EPASINGHE
of the Poya days, which fall during the rainy season, Binara is of
special significance as far as Buddhist Order is concerned. Binara Poya
begins according to the English Season in Autumn (Sarath in Sinhala)
between Summer and Winter from September to November in the Northern
hemisphere. During this period, members of the Maha Sangha, observe the
Disciplinary Code laid down by the Blessed One. They stay indoors during
this rainy season and perform special monastic rituals and attend to
many religious ceremonies, meditate and deliver sermons. There is a very
close relationship between the Buddhist monks and lay - 'dayakas'.
Temples get filled with large number of devotees observing "Sil" on
Binara Poya day. Youth play a prominent role in Buddhist activities on
Poya days. When the Blessed One was residing at Nigrodharamaya in the
City of Kapilavastu, Mahaprajapathi Gothami, approached the Enlightened
One, and requested permission for women to enter the Order. The Buddha
turned down her kind request thrice. The Buddha left Kapilavastupura,
proceeded to the City of Vesali and resided at Kutagara Hall.
In the meantime, Mahaprajapathi Gothami, the chief of the Bhikkuni
Sasanaya, who played a lead role, with five hundred wives of the
princes, shaved their heads, wore yellow robes, met Venerable Ananda
Thera and humbly requested him to speak to the Blessed One to grant
permission for them to enter the Bhikkuni Order. Once again, the Buddha
turned down their request, made by Ven. Ananda.
Again and again Ven. Ananda appealed to the Buddha to grant
permission for Prajapathi Gothami and her 500 companions to enter the
Order. Considering the request of Prajapathi Gothami, the Buddha granted
permission to womenfolk to enter the Sasanaya on Binara Poya day and
requested them that they should strictly follow and honour the eight
important principles (Garu Dharma Ata) laid down by the Buddha. It was
called as the Code of Conduct for Bhikkunis.
Some of the highlights of this "Garu Dharma" are: a) A Bhikkuni
(Nun), although she had attained the Higher Order, even hundred years
ago, She should worship and honour a Bhikku who had attained the Higher
Order on that very day. Here the date of the seniority does not matter.
b) No Bhikkuni should be engaged in Retreat in an area where there are
no Bhikkus. (Monks) c) Bhikkunis should take the advice of Bhikkhus.
(Monks) d) At the end of the Retreat a Bhikkuni should ceremoniously end
the "Retreat" in the presence of Bhikkunis and Bhikkhus. e) A novice
Bhikkuni, should gain higher ordination in front of Bhikkunis only after
one year of study. f) Bhikkunis should not advise Bhikkhus, although
Bhikkus may advise Bhikkunis.
Ven Ananda, described these conditions to Mahaprajapathi Gothami and
stated "If you accept these conditions, the Blessed One will grant
permission to initiate the Bhikkuni Order. Mahaprajapathi Gothami facing
the direction of the Blessed One made this announcement. "Ven Ananda,
just as young men and women would bathe and adorn themselves with
garlands of Jasmine flowers, so do I accept those conditions laid down
by the Blessed One. Thus, was the beginning of the Bhikkuni Order (Sasanaya)
on a Binara Full Moon day. With the advent of Buddhism to Sri Lanka
during King Devanampiyatissa's reign, the daughter of the Great King
Emperor Asoka's daughter Sangamitta brought the Bo-sapling Jayasiri Maha
Bodhi and there began the Bhikkuni Sasanaya in Sri Lanka. In a very
silent manner sans publicity, the Sri Lankan Bhikkunis, contribute their
share for the propagation of Buddhism in Sri Lanka. They also play a
leading role in spreading the Message of Buddhism. We are ever grateful
to them. |