Quality Commitment Award for Electro Metal Pressings
Electro Metal (Pvt) Ltd., Chairman
Chandranandana Diyunuge with Managing Director, T. Suresh
Kumara receiving the award from President BID Jose E Prieto |
Electro Metal Pressings (Pvt) Ltd was recognised for commitment to
quality, leadership, technology and innovation by the Business
Initiative Directions.
(BID) World Quality commitment convention and the presentation of
2011 - International Quality Awards which took place on October 24, in
this Paris Concorde La Fayette Hotel.
The event was presided over by Jose E. Prieto, President and CEO
along with outstanding personalities from the Business World and
Diplomatic Corps.
BID is a leading private organisation awarding companies worldwide.
In the past years BID Awards have contributed advantages to companies
awarded at their conventions in media attention and technical advantages
of quality implementation.
BID has awarded the World Quality Commitment in the Gold Category to
Electro Metal Pressings, On the basis of voting process carried out
among the all participating former awardees.
The result of the voting process is confidential in that the exact
source of nomination of the company cannot be revealed. The final
decision to award the company made by the WQC selection committee is
based on the criteria of the principles of QC 100 Total Quality
Management (TQM).