The tenth annual general meeting and
get-together of Panadura United Merchants Association (PUMA)
was held at the Holiday Resort, Wadduwa recently. Here H.M.
Dharmasena Panadura SP lights the oil lamp. Tissa
Kathiriarachchi former MP and K.S. Sisira Kumara President
of PUMA are also in the picture. Pic: Susil Ratnaweera,
Panadura North Group Corr. |
CCC recognises Best Corporate Citizen
The annual Best Corporate Citizen Award ceremony organised by the
Ceylon Chamber of Commerce took place at the Cinnamon Grand on 4th of
November 2011.
Nestlé Lanka PLC bagged the Best Corporate Citizen Award 2011. MAS
Intimates (Pvt.) Ltd. won the first runner-up and Hatton National Bank
became the second runner-up.
Link Natural Products was the winners in category B, (below Rs. 15bn
turnover category) while Colombo Dockyard PLC and NDB Bank PLC came
second and third respectively in category B.
The Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Ltd. (HSBC) was the
winner of Community Relations and CSR category, MAS Intimates (Pvt.)
Ltd. won the Environment category, Hatton National Bank PLC won the
Governance and Economic Contribution category while Nestlé Lanka PLC
bagged the Employee Relations and Customer and Supplier Relations
Category awards.