Effective leaders are versatile actors
Leadership can take many forms, but my focus here is on those who are
involved in managing people. It means coordinating and motivating the
actions of others to achieve a common goal.
It sounds easy but - one of the most difficult of all tasks. Most
leaders have a natural leadership style.
The style of leadership taken by any leader is usually shaped by the
personality and motivational values of that person. However, the way
towards successful leadership is to adapt your personal style to meet
the needs and styles of people and varying situations to achieve a
predetermined outcome.
Sorry if I sound theoretical but I think it was important to present
the idea in the right context.
People and situations keep evolving
Can a leader be a constant individual team member and each person is
different from the other. The leader has to provide leadership in every
aspect. I mean the thinking and behaviour of each individual is
Every day brings out a new challenge, challenges keep evolving and
people keep changing. So how can a leader deal with every situation and
every team member in the same way with a constant style and achieve the
same outcome. Every leader has a combination of leadership styles but
one style will always be predominantly stronger and a more natural way
to lead.
A leader’s style may also blend of his main strength, combined with
his other not-so-strong styles.
A wise leader will understand the strengths and weaknesses of
hisleadership style and use team members with different styles to bring
balance and greater efficiency in meeting the shared goal.
When you inherit a style or overly influenced by another person, you
may find yourself feeling frustrated and on-edge. You may have the
feeling that you are trying to be someone you are not. You will do well
to remember that leadership isn’t something that you do, it is an
expression of who you are.
Learn about it and then try applying various styles to find the style
that works best for you, your team and your organisation.
A word of caution - do not try to make your preferred/(natural) style
fit all circumstances. Remain flexible to alter your style to fit a
particular situation you find yourself in. Every style has its
opportunity and challenges.
Different leadership styles
Great leaders have exhibited different kinds of leadership styles.
All these leadership styles are beneficial depending on how they are
Great leaders are visionary people who achieve results using people.
They exhibit authority and instill confidence in team members.
Circumstances make men, just as much as men make circumstances. Some
leaders are democratic, allowing team members to air the opinions. Some
are dictatorial, explaining what they want from their teams for team
members to execute.
All styles have opportunity and challenges and may be used in certain
Great leaders share some features in common
Experience is their priceless jewel which enables them to be in
control of situations.
Their functions are the same irrespective of their field, that is, to
lead others purposefully and achieve objectives.
Although there is much more to successful leadership than selecting
the right style, the situational component of leadership is crucial to
The more you gauge the impact of decisions on team members and how
technically self-sufficient they are, the better will be your
Leadership success certainly cannot be guaranteed, but knowing when
and when not to use a particular style will greatly enhance your
capacity to succeed. Knowing what to do and when to do is half the
battle won. How to do is easier when you have acquired and developed the
styles that work best for you.
A successful actor is one who can play any given role as natural as
An effective leader is one who can adapt a style to suit the
situation and diversity of team members which is a must to perform under
varying conditions. Hold on.. don’t jump to conclusions yet.
A leader lives that life - whereas an actor portrays someone else’s
life. So there is a fundamental difference. I know you understand that
fundamental difference well!