Will koalas become extinct?
Koalas are marsupial mammals which live in Australia. Koalas are the
national symbol of Australia.

They eat leaves from trees . Koalas usually eat the oily leaves of
eucalyptus trees. But eucalyptus leaves are not very nutritious, so
koalas sleep for 20 hours a day to save energy. Koalas eat at night,
when it is cooler.
They like to live on their own. They usually come out at night.
Koalas are medium sized and are grey-brown with white patches on the
outer body. Their fur protects them from hot and cold weather and also
from rain. They have a round face and a black, snub nose.
Koalas mark their own trees with scents and scratches so that other
koalas won’t go near them.
The koala babies are called joeys. They feed on their mother’s milk.
Koala babies leave their mother when they are one year old.
About 80 years ago there were millions of koalas living all over
Australia. Because of modern man’s actions such as clearing forests, the
animals are disturbed. The koala Foundation of Australia believes that
there are less than 65,000 koalas left today. A huge number of koalas
were shot for their fur. Scientists predict that koalas will become
extinct soon. Special hospitals have been set up to care for ill or hurt
koalas or those that have lost their mothers. These activities are done
by man to help the survival of animals.
Zainab Razeek,
Grade 9,
Hejaaz International School,
Mt. Lavinia.
of a library
library plays a very important role in promoting knowledge. There are so
many people who love reading but they cannot afford to buy books which
are very expensive today.
However, when we become members of a library, we can borrow valuable
books to read. A public library is a place that is open to both rich and
poor alike.
There are two sections in a library. They are the lending section and
the reference section. People are allowed to enter those sections free
of charge.
A library is a very useful place, especially for rural youth.
There are not only books, but also newspapers, magazines, periodicals
and government gazette in a library. Due to many benefits a library
provides us, a library has became a very important place to society.
Fathima Shanos Munas,
Brilliant Stars International College, Matara.
My name is Rizly Azhar. I am nine years old. I live in Kalpitiya, I
study at Al-Aqsa National School. I am in Grade Four.
My father’s name is Hanfal. He is a businessman. My mother’s name is
Raisa. She is a housewife. My favourite food is noodles and my favourite
colour is green. I want to be an engineer.
Rizly Azhar,
Grade 4,
Al-Aqsa National School, Kalpitya.
My college prize-giving
My school prize giving was held on October 7 and I was very excited.
My excitement and happiness were doubled because my father who is
working abroad was home for a holiday. He was going to be present when I
received my prize. I was getting a prize for the first time. It was for
English speech. I was happy and proud because English is my favourite
When the day arrived, both my parents were present. There were six
hundred and fifty recipients. I was the eighty ninth. So, after a long
time my name was called. I hurried to the stage. I got the prize from
the chief guest and turned round to see my parents. I saw them smiling
and waving at me. I was very happy to have made them happy.
I got a lovely story book as my prize. I read it as soon as I got
home. Since then, I’ve read it four times. Next year too I’m hoping to
get a prize.
Harshana Gopallawa,
Grade 4,
Maliyadeva Boys’ College, Kurunegala.
What causes obesity?
people eat a lot of fast food that contains fats and carbohydrates.
Eating too much fat leads to obesity in human beings. Some people spend
long hours in front of televisions and computers. They don’t get much
In addition to this they often travel by vehicle instead of walking.
Today most offices have modern machines. So, people have less work to
do. Many do sedentary jobs. Such inactive people often gain weight and
become obese. As the population has increased worldwide there aren’t
many open places such as parks for people to relax. There are no places
such as trails and side walks for people to walk about and take a break
from their hectic lifestyles. People have no time to be physically
active because of their busy work schedules.
There is another factor that influences people to develop bad food
habits. That is advertising. Snacks and sugary drinks are bad for our
If we have too much of them we will fall ill. We must eat healthy
food and avoid salty food to prevent obesity. There is also another
reason why people become fat. That is genes and family history. But by
cultivating good food habits, people can reduce the seriousness of their
illnesses and become strong, healthy people.
Umesh Kulathilaka,
Grade 8-H,
Rahula College.
Value of sports

The value of sports and games is now being increasingly recognised in
many places from personal, social, educational and national points of
view. Games and sports are essential for the all round development of a
personality. It is by playing games and sports that we can develop and
maintain our healthy.
Many of the modern diseases such as hypertension, blood-pressure,
diabetes, obesity and indigestion are direct results of our current
lifestyle, which excludes physical exercise and activity. The absence of
sports and games in our lives has also resulted in many mental ailments
and insomnia.
Games keep our body alert, active, youthful and energetic. In
activities involving games and sports, blood circulation increases and
there is an increased supply of oxygen. Only a healthy person can work
hard for long in a cheerful spirit. An unhealthy person may not take as
much interest in work as a strong healthy person. Health cannot be
maintained by food and exercises alone. Games and sports too play a key
role in this area. They have some additional benefits as they are played
in groups and in healthy competitive spirit.
Among many other things, they help develop co-operation, leadership
qualities, team spirit and familiarise people on the rule of law.
Games and sports develop character and promote good health, which are
two essential factors for improving the quality of one’s life.
Navodya Weerakoon,
Grade 9,
Lyceum International School, Nugegoda.
[Your Poems]
Love your parents
Do you know,
Who loves you most,
It’s no one else, but
Your mother and father
They love you
With their whole heart
It’s never ending
Like the mighty ocean.
Do you think,
Children bring happiness to them?
Not all; some of you do,
But others do not care
Do you know that
The day you were born
No one was as happy as they were?
But, think a while
The way you treat them
Is it fair or not?
My dear friends,
Make your parents happy
Carry out your duties ‘n’ responsibilities
And fulfil their dreams
Then, you’re protected by God!
L. D. Dewmi Oshadee,
Grade 7A,
G/Batemulla National College, Imaduwa.
Tribute to my school
Thanks for always teaching me,
Supporting me and encouraging me
You’re a true friend and I want you to know
How much I love and appreciate you
You are the best!
I have the best school
I like to call it HCC
When roses lose their fragrance,
And the world seems at an end
When the day has lost its gladness
What a blessing my lovely school HCC is
You’ve made me laugh and smile
More than I can bear
You’ve helped me through the hardest times
When I was in total despair
God’s greatest gift, I thank you always!
Savindi Rodrigo,
Grade 10, Holy Cross College, Gampaha.