What is Bharathanatyam?
Nirmala John |
Nirmala John will present a lecture demonstration on 'What is
Bharathanatyam?' at the Alliance Francaise de Colombo auditorium,
Colombo 7 on November 26 at 6.30 p.m.
The pupils of Nirmalanjali School of Dance represent every linguistic
and religious groups in Sri Lanka and other countries. On completion of
their course most students stage their Arangetrams.
Since Bharathanatyam originated as a Hindu temple ritual as a dance
in honour and praise of Hindu gods, the symbolism and nuances are
sometimes lost on the audience, especially those, from non-Hindu or
non-Tamil backgrounds.
Nirmala John has pioneered a unique culture of bridging the gap
between different groups through innovative choreography without
deviating from the conservative Bharathanatyam forms.
Anandians In search of Heritage
Senior Old Anandians will hold the Annual General Meeting along with
the annual reunion and lunch today commencing at 9.00 a.m. at the
Centenary Building of Ananda College. The guests of honour will be
Senior Minister P. Dayaratna and (Dr) Jagath Balasuriya, Minister of
National Heritage.
Prof. J.B. Disanayaka will deliver the keynote address on 'Cultural
Diplomacy in Asian Region'.
Anandians In Search of Heritage will be launched to mark the 2600th
Sambuddhatva Jayanthi and the 125th anniversary of Ananda College.
The book which covers cultural and environmental heritage sites and
places of interest including lesser known places of all provinces, is
illustrated with maps relevant to each site as well as 40 colour
Additionally, there are a number of annexes relating to maritime
zones of Sri Lanka in the Indian Ocean, the development of the Sinhala
script from ancient Brahmi, rivers and irrigation systems of the island
along with a detailed index of the places of cultural and environmental
The publication is made by senior old Anandians.
Sahithya Vishehsha Kalapaya and Saviman Navagathegama Sankathana

Sahithya Vishehsha Kalapaya and Saviman Navagathegama Sankathana
Sanhitha will be launched tomorrow at the National Library auditorium,
Colombo 7. Brief lectures about the publication will be delivered by
Prof. Somaratna Balasooriya and Dr. Kanil Priyanka on Abhinavayen Kiyavu
Kurutogee and Prof. Anada Tissa Kumara will also deliver a brief
JAHCOOZI live in Colombo
The concert by Jahcoozi will be held on November 25 at 8 p.m. at La
Voile Vlanche,Mt. Lavinia. The Goethe Institut in Association with Bang
Bang Entertainment Presents: JAHCOOZI www.jahcoozi.com |
www.soundcloud.com/jahcoozi, hailing from the Berlin club scene and its
international cohorts in the pre-Internet era of the early noughties,
this bass-heavy electronica trio is a creative alliance made up of
London-born, Sri Lankan songwriter and front woman Sasha Perera and two
beat-freak producers/multi-instrumentalists - Teuton Robot Koch and
Tel-Aviv born Oren Gerlitz.
Silent Light

Silent Light will be screened on November 25 at 4.30 p.m. at the Sri
Lanka Television Training Institute,100A, Independence Square, Colombo -

Patavi, a ballet-opera by Thanuja Priyanthi Bandula and script
written by Gaya Ramya Alwis will be held on November 25 at 6.30 p.m. at
Kularatne Hall at Ananda College.
Music, costumes and choreography are also by Thanuja.
Shaap Mochan

The dance drama Shaap Mochan written by Nobel laureate poet
Rabindranath Tagore will go on the boards at the Bishop's College
Auditorium, Perahera Mawatha, Colombo 3 on November 22 at 6.30pm.