Rs. 4.5 million donated for school project in Beruwala
by B.M. Mukthar, Beruwala Spl. corr
Deshabandu Nowfel S. Jabir, the chief guest at the opening ceremony
of the “Fowzia Nowfel Jabir” prayer hall, principal’s office and a
library at Naleem Hadjiar Ladies College, China Fort Beruwala called
upon the rich Muslims to use their wealth to promote the standard of
education of Muslim educational institutions.
Al-Haj Nowfel S. Jabir donated Rs. 4.5 million on this project on the
request of the School Development Society of the college.
The school development society led by the Principal Mrs. Noor Haleema
Najmudeen accorded a warm reception to Al Haj Milfer A Gafoor, Chairman
Urban Council, Beruwala, Al Haj Nowfel S. Jabir, Mrs. Fowzia Nowfel
Jabir and Mrs. Rafeeka Naleem Hadjiar at the Deshamanya M. A. Bakeer
Markar Hall.
Prophet Mohamed has said seeking education is compulsory for every
Muslim male and female as the children are the invaluable assets to
parents in particular and to the nation in general they should be guided
in the correct path through proper education on a religious footing,
Nowfel Jabir said.
He also said that Muslims should come forward to assist their Alma
Mater and other poor Muslim schools by providing resources with a sense
of dedication in order to enlighten the future of younger generation in
the field of education.
Mrs. Noor Haleema Najmudeen, Principal of Naleem Hadjiar Ladies
College made the welcome address while Asseikh M.S.M.Rilwan (Naleemi)
brought the prayer hall under “waqf” order. Kaleefathusshaduli Moulavi
M.M. Zainul Abdeen (Bahji) recited Dua.
Al Haj Milfar A. Gafoor, Chairman, U.C., Beruwala, Al Haj M.S.M.
Dukain Vice President, China Fort mosque committee, Messrs. M.M.M.
Shihab and Aroos Anas, Joint Secretaries of China Fort mosque committee
were present on the occasion with the members of the O.G.A. and the
school development society.
Special prizes were distributed among the students who gained
admission to the universities and to the students who passed G.C.E.
(O/L), and grade 5 scholarship examinations.
M.C.M. Miswar, A.Z.M. Sawahir, Mrs. Faiza Kaiz and Miss. Hashmath
Hasna Mirsan also addressed the gathering.