In Brief
Free seed-paddy for returnee farmers
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) in
collaboration with the Government of Sri Lanka initiated a programme to
distribute free seed paddy to farmers affected by recent floods and to
those returning to their villages after the conflict.
In addition free planting materials were distributed among villagers
to encourage them to take up subsidiary food crop farming. Ruwan
Jayasundara, Divisional Secretary said that 460 farmers selected from
Gomarankadawala area were given six bushels of seed paddy sufficient to
cultivate a maximum of two acres. Farmers selected from among 16 farmer
organizations were given maize, groundnut, greengram and cowpea as
planting materials, he added.
Seminar on Tea
A training seminar on ‘Sustainable Developments in Quality, Safety
and Health Aspects of Tea’ will be conducted by the institute of
Chemistry Ceylon at its headquarters in Rajagiriya from 8.00 a.m. to
4.00 p.m. On December 2.
This seminar intends to provide modern concepts in tea to
industrialists, researchers and executives working in these areas and
also for those who intend to venture into these fields. Resource persons
will deal with constituents of tea, their taste and health promoting
properties, applications of good agricultural practices in plantations,
post-harvest management of tea, tea processing, value addition and
product development and application of packaging technology to sustain
the quality and safety of tea.
CP Budget to be presented
Kandy Daily News special correspondent
The Chief Minister Central Province Sarath Ekanayaka will present the
Budget for 2012. The budget debate will continue for four days November
24-25 and 28-29 said, the Secretary of the Council.
Ladies' College OGA annual Xmas dinner
The Ladies' Colelge Old Girls' Assocaition will host their annual
Christmas dinner on Monday, Decemebr 5 at the Ramada Colombo.
The "Silent Hands" will entertain the audience with a hailarious
The Polcie Brass Band will be in attendance.
Those interested should contact the school office or the committee at
your earliest as tickets for the event are limited.
50th anniversary of Sinhabahu from Nov 22 to 23
The 50th anniversary of the popular drama 'Sinhabahu' will be
celebrated on November 22 and 23 at Peradeniya. 'Sinhabahu' will be
staged at the Sarachchandra open air theatre at the University of
Peradeniya at 7.00 pm on November 22.
This will be followed by a special felicitation at the arts theatre
of the University of Peradeniya on November 23 from 3.45 pm. It will
include lectures by Prof. Tissa Kariyawasam and Dr. Micheal Fernando on
the drama and Prof. Sarachchandra Ediriweera's contribution in general.
A book comprising articles from several eminent scholars and edited
by Dr. Liyanage Amarakeerthi and published by the Arts Council of the
University of Peradeniya will also be launched. On the same evening,
there will be a special presentation at the Sarachchandra open air
theatre by a group of artists including Nissanka Diddeniya, Jayalath
Manoratne and Mark Anthony Fernando (The 'Lion" in the first production
of ''Sinhabahu'' in 1961) from 7.00 pm.
The Arts Council and the Vice Chancellor of University of Peradeniya
extends an open invitation to all artists who were involved in Prof.
Sarachchandra's work at various stages, and all those who are interested
to participate in these events, Dr. Shyama Banneheka, Chairman / Arts
Council - University of Peradeniya said.
Undersea quake in Laccadive Sea
A magnitude 4.7 undersea quake occurred around 3.40 p.m. yesterday
341 Km away from Colombo and 371 Km away from Negombo, the US Geological
Survey reported. The quake occurred at a depth of around 10 Km in the
Laccadive Sea. There was no possibility of a tsunami and no tsunami
warning was issued in Sri Lanka, Maldives and India (the epicenter was
500 Km from Nagercoil, India). |