Pre-eclampsia predicted using test during pregnancy
19 Nov. BBC
A test carried out during pregnancy could predict which women will
develop a potentially fatal condition called pre-eclampsia, scientists
Presenting their study to the American Society of Nephrology,
researchers said the test detected specific kidney cells in patients'
Out of 15 women who developed pre-eclampsia, all tested positive for
the cells.
Experts say a simple, predictive test during pregnancy would be
Warning sign Pre-eclampsia is a disorder which appears in the late
stages of pregnancy and is characterised by high blood pressure and
excess protein in the urine.
Researchers at the Mayo Clinic, who presented their work to the
annual meeting of the American Society of Nephrology, tested 300 women
Dr Vesna Garovic assessed a test which detects the shedding of kidney
cells called podocytes in the urine. The team had previously found
podocytes present in patients with pre-eclampsia when they gave birth.
In this study, all the women who went on to develop pre-eclampsia had
podocytes in their urine, while none of the 15 who went on to develop
high blood pressure or the 44 healthy pregnant women did.
Although carried out on small numbers of women, the researchers say
the test is highly accurate for predicting pre-eclampsia and could alert
doctors early to the problem.
Ann Marie Barnard, chief executive of Action on Pre-Eclampsia, said
an accurate test would help many women.
"A large number of the 1,500 women who call our helpline each year
are terrified of becoming pregnant again because they have suffered
pre-eclampsia, often with tragic results. Many do decide to go ahead
with a new pregnancy anyway.
"Any test which can predict whether they are going to get it again
has to be welcomed - while it cannot stop the disease occurring, it
would enable services to be more closely focused on them and more alert
to signs of the disease developing."
And Andrew Shennan, professor of obstetrics at St Thomas Hospital in
London, said: "Being able to use a simple accurate test in pregnancy,
such as from a urine sample, would be valuable in identifying those
women to watch closely.
"Current tests are not reliable enough, and further work is needed to
confirm these promising findings in larger groups."