NCE to appoint trade representatives in overseas markets
The National Chamber of Exporters (NCE) has embarked on a program to
appoint trade representatives in important overseas markets to assist
member companies to develop export business.
The appointments are being made from several qualified and
experienced applicants in the particular markets with good credentials
and business contacts.
The objective is to enable NCE member companies to make use of the
services of the trade representatives for business and market
development to enable them to promote and expand the export of their
products and services in overseas markets.
The Chamber will also make use of their services for logistical
support when participating in trade fairs and related trade promotion
activities, such as the organisation of inward and outward business
promotion delegations, contact promotion programmes and buyer seller
The terms and conditions on which appointments are being made, and
the work to be carried out by selected trade representatives have been
defined by the Chamber. The Chamber has entered into MoUs with the
selected trade representatives incorporating such terms and conditions.
Member companies who make use of their services are required to conform
to terms and conditions.
The Chamber has already appointed trade representatives for the USA
market, South African market and the Australian market.
Appointments are also proposed to be made shortly for certain
countries in the Middle Eastern market.
New and emerging markets which will be of strategic importance to Sri
Lanka in the evolving world trade scenario will also receive particular
attention of the Chamber when appointing Trade Representatives.
This program is expected to be a boon to member companies in entering
new markets.
It underlines the continuing effort of the Chamber to formulate and
implement new value added services to expand the range of services that
are offered to member companies.