If sales fail the business fails :
Frontline is the bottom-line
Frontline is the bottom-line; if sales fail the business fails
There is an old saying that everyone lives by selling something
either a product or a service.
This is true from labourer to politician, from entrepreneur to CEO.
The only exception would probably be religious leaders or genuine
voluntary workers who do not typically complete a transaction but yet
offer a service.
Business success solely depends on sales success- an argument that
has no opposing view. Revenue is the key driver for any business and it
is sales that generate the all important revenue. So the number one
priority for any organisation should be sales.If the customer is king,
make sales the controlling function.
The ideal functional model is where the organisation places the sales
function as the controlling function and all other functions as
supporting functions to do one thing right; creating value for the
customer through quality and productivity to deliver the targeted
bottom-line. Believe in the fact that the frontline is the bottom-line;
If you have a strong frontline your business will always have a strong
Understand the fears entertained by sales people and create the right
sales culture. Accept that selling is the hardest job in business. We'd
all be multimillionaires otherwise, selling products or services to one
another.Understand the fears of your sales people, they often receive a
'no' than a 'yes'.
The emotional pressure of this rejection is enormous. Build self
reliance among your salespeople. Sell them the images of sales
excellence for motivation.
It's also important to adjust your sales culture to the customer's
culture to be able to forge a greater bond between the organisation and
customer for long-term business health. Praise the sales people when
they perform - what is required of them, rather than applauding the
results -encourage them to adopt the behaviour of success to a greater
degree than they do now. Let improved sales be an outcome of the right
behaviour and actions by the sales force.
Create the notion that sales people bring profits not revenue
Demonstrate the discipline you expect of your sales people. You should
address their issues with energy, urgency and purposefulness.
Use 'sales stars' to influence the rest which you would find in any
sales team. Leaders set the selling price and control expenditure; so
you know what percentage is profit.Set the right tone at the top and
lead by example.
CEO's role
Conventional CEO's think that selling is not their job. Some do not
realise the concepts that have been discussed. But the reality is that a
CEO's ultimate goal is to sell more to be able to deliver the expected
bottom-line for shareholders. CEOs have to spend a significant amount of
time talking about customers and sales people to better understand and
extend support to the sales leadership. Let everyone know that the sales
target is the priority in your job. Set team challenges, when problems
Involve the entire team in their solution. CEOs should go out
regularly with the sales staff and I must confess that I love doing it.
This would give you the insight you need to make the right business
decisions. Fix the problems for them fast. Surprise the team
Sales people who are on top in every forum within the organisation
should be a regular feature to live the culture. Recognise every
significant achievement and celebrate success.
It's this feeling that will keep the sales staff continually