Candy stand
After years of working for others and being passed over for
promotions, John and his wife, Mary, decided to commence their own
business. After examining the classifieds, they bought a small candy
stand, paying thirty cents for each box of candy and then selling it for
thirty cents. At the end of the day they were astonished to find that
they had sold every box of candy yet had exactly as much money as when
they started. You see John snarled at his wife. I told you we should
have bought a larger stand!
Job interview
A man came for a job interview. At the interview the manager said
remember we are very keen about cleanliness. Did you wipe your shoes
before entering?".
"Oh, yes sir" replied the man. The manager narrowed his eyes and
said, "We are also very keen about the truth. There is no mat at the
Baking bread
This man enters the bakery with a loaf of bread and said, "I bought
this bread here, and it tastes bad" to the Baker. "What!" exclaimed the
"I've been baking bread for 25 years!", the baker told the man. Then
the man replies, "You should have sold it right away!"
Rectifying measures
A Japanese soap manufacturing company received a complaint that a
consumer had bought a box of soap that was empty. The management tasked
its engineers to solve the problem permanently to avoid any
reoccurrence. The engineers worked hard to devise an X-ray machine with
high-resolution monitors manned by two people to watch all the soapboxes
that passed through the line to make sure they were not empty. No doubt,
they worked hard and they worked fast. But a rank-and-file employee who
faced the same problem came out with another solution. He bought a
strong industrial electric fan and pointed it at the assembly line. He
switched the fan on, and as each soapbox passed the fan, it simply blew
the empty boxes out of the line. |