The haunted bike
"Are we there yet?" I asked. "Yes, we are now", answered Dad. I was
getting a new bike. I had already decided what bike I wanted; it was a
black mountain bike with 21 gears.
I need to first introduce myself to you, don't I? My name is Alex and
I'm 12 years old. I have a bratty little sister called Jane. She is the
most annoying person I know. Jane is seven years old and did I mention
that she is very annoying?
Getting back on track, when we got to the bike shop I saw loads of
really cool bikes, but I had made up my mind and I wasn't going to
change it. "This is the bike you wanted, isn't it Alex?" Dad asked.
"Yeah, that's the one" I answered. " The black one with 21 gears". When
we got home I wanted to try out my bike but I had to do my home work

The next day, I asked Mum if I could ride my bike to school.
"Alright, but be careful". She said. "Yes!" I said as I jumped onto my
bike. I was totally happy about my bike. If only I knew what was to
On the way back from school, I rode home with Jake my best friend.
He's really nice and is great at riding a bike.
When we got to my home, we played soccer for a while but we soon got
bored and went for a bike ride.
We passed the chocolate factory and the house that everyone said was
haunted. Just when I thought we should headback home, I fell off the
bike and my arm hit a lamp post. Crack! The next thing I knew I was in
my bed with band aid around my arm. "Hey Alex, are you all right?" asked
Jake who was sitting next to my bed.
"You have been knocked out for sometime. "I think I'm, fine now. What
really happened?" I asked.
"You broke your arm when you fell off the bike", Alex answered. Too
bad, that the broken arm was only the beginning of my problems.
About a month later, when my arm had healed properly, I went for a
bike ride with Jake and I fell off the bike, again. But this time I only
got a scratch on my knee.
However, the weird part was that the bicycle seat started bouncing up
and down as if it wanted me to fall off. A little later, when we were on
the way home I slowed down for a while to let Jake catch up. (His legs
were tired so he was riding slowly.) Suddenly the handle bars of my bike
turned so the bike went into the road and then a truck came into sight.
The bike swerved towards the truck.
I pressed down on the hand-brake as hard as I could, and the bike
stopped, just inches away from the truck. I was convinced now, the bike
was haunted.
As soon as I got home I told Jane about what had happened. "I need to
get rid of that ghost." I yelled. "Why don't you throw the bike into the
tip?" Jane asked. "No way, it's the ghost I want to get rid of not the
bike!" I yelled. "Well, how are you going to do that?" she asked. "I
don't know. I can't just pull the ghost out, can I?" I replied.
Then I got an idea! But for my idea to work I had to find a book
about ghosts that I had read at the library. I had to put my idea to
work at night, about midnight to be precise. The next day was Saturday.
I ran to the library. (I ran because my bike was haunted). When I got
there I started searching every shelf for the book. At last I found it!
The title said; The book About Ghosts. "Yes!" I screamed. "Shhh, this is
a library not a playground" said the librarian. "Sorry, I said.
I borrowed the book and ran home. When I got home I flipped through
the pages of the book until I found what I needed. Now all I needed to
do was to wait.
At 12 midnight I woke up because my alarm rang. I took a plastic bag
and crept into the garage where the bike was kept.
The book had said that a ghost goes where its ectoplasm is taken.
(Ectoplasm is a sticky green slime left by ghost).
I quickly unscrewed all the bolts of the bike and took it into
pieces. I searched for ectoplasm and found a tiny glob of it.
I placed it in the plastic bag. Then I ran all the way to the tip,
with the ectoplasm. When I got there I flung the ectoplasm into the tip
and as I expected the ghost followed it into the tip.
The next day I woke up and called Jake and told him to come over.
When he got here he helped me to put my bike together again and then
we went for a bike ride.Later on when I got home, I heard a knock on the
door. When I opened it I saw the ghost. "Oh no!" I groaned. |