Importance of being in a ‘group’
Do you know that being with a group of friends is important? It helps
us to be friendly, caring, sharing and kind to each other. It also
teaches us to work as a team and respect each other.

One evening I asked my grandfather to relate a story.
Then he told me a story from the Pansiya Panas Jataka book, which is
also about staying in a group. I listened to the story very happily.
The story goes like this. One day there lived a flock of birds. Among
the birds the leader was the Bodhisatwa. One morning the birds were
eating crops in a paddy field.
Suddenly a veddha or an adhivasi man saw the birds eating his crops.
He threw a net on the birds and they were trapped.
Then they tried to get out from the net, but it was very heavy. The
bird leader had an idea. He told the other birds to fly away with the
net. After they settled in a tree, they dropped the net and flew away
happily.From this story we can learn a good lesson; the importance of
staying in a group and working as a team.
Samidi Karunarathne,
Grade 6 E,
Mahamaya Girls’ College,
A healthy mind in a healthy body
"He who has health has hope, and he who has hope, has everything ...”

A healthy body and a sound mind is a precious gift of nature to
It is equal to all the wealth in the world. Even if we have all the
riches in the world what is the use of it if we do not have a healthy
body and sound mind to enjoy the wealth?A healthy soul always resides in
a healthy mind and a healthy mind can only dwell in a healthy body. The
brain cells of a healthy person activates with more energy than that of
an ill person. Such a person is mentally sharp and sensible.
can lead a successful and happy life.How can this be achieved? It does
not cost any extra expenditure. By simply following a certain set of
good habits regularly one can achieve this. First we must make it a
habit to rise early in the morning.
A brisk morning walk is a good start to a fresh day. Plenty of pure
water should be drunk at regular intervals. Large quantities of spicy
food is bad for one’s health. Plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables
should be added to the simple nourishing meals we have taken. Do not
think about having a heavy, full protein diet all the time. Avoid too
much sugar and savoury food.
Get used to a simple meal. So, let’s become early risers to enjoy the
beauty of sunrise and the freshness of nature. Let’s have a healthy mind
that blooms with the dawn, like a sunflower.
Aysha Amrath Hafy,
Grade 10, Jennath International School,
Reach your zenith in the New Year
2011 carried all our old hopes,
2012 has come, refreshing our lives,
Let us work with great effort,
And reach the zenith in the New Year.
The good memories of last year,
Will help to succeed this year,
Let us erase our bad deeds,
And rush towards the good deeds!
Getting away, from bad friends,
Accepting the pure-hearted friends,
Let us begin 2012,
With high spirited and joyful thoughts.
Working hard for the best,
Breaking the old records,
Accessing the new world,
Let us step forward as perfect citizens.
Second by second days will pass,
Day by day months will pass,
If you work hard you will pass,
May you be spirited to reach for the stars.
A.P. Umanda Hansamali
Grade 10 E
Pushpadana Girls’ College,
The wonderful world we live in
world is the place that we all live in. There are continents in the
world comprising a number of countries. There are seven continents;
Asia, Africa, Europe,America (North America, South America),Antactica
and Australia. There are also five oceans in the world.
They are the Pacific Ocean, Indian Ocean, Atlantic Ocean, Arctic
Ocean and the Antarctic Ocean. There are many seas too in the world and
some of them are the Red Sea, Caspian Sea, Yellow Sea and the Dead
Sea.There are nearly 200 countries in the world with different types of
people living in them. Sri Lankans are from Sri Lanka. There are Indians
(India), Americans (USA), Chinese (China), Japanese (Japan)and Russians
(Russia).The people of different countries have their own cultures ,
languages and national dresses.The kind of food they eat also differs.
The currency, temperature and geography, also differ from country to
country. Countries near the equator do not have any seasons,but
countries above or below the equator have.

The world is also full of beautiful fauna and flora.There are all
kinds of animals living in the air, the sea and on land. There are many
species of wild animals as well as domestic animals. Some wild animals
are elephants, tigers, leopards, gorillas and giraffes.Domestic animals
include cats, dogs, cows, goats, rabbits and pigs.
There are many sweet smelling flowers and fruits. The insects
pollinate these flowers and fruits and help to reproduce plants.
Plants are one of the most important things in the environment. They
give everything we need. Oxygen, rain, food and also timber and shelter.
Natural disasters were not so frequent in the recent past. But from
January 2010, natural disasters increased. It started with an earthquake
in Haiiti which affected the whole country; including the President’s
house. Another disaster, a severe earthquake occurred in Japan in the
middle of the year resulting in a massive tsunami. The earthquake
damaged pipes in the Fukushima nuclear plant and people were evacuated.
It was not until very recently that it was proved that the water is safe
to drink.
Let us take good care of our wonderful world! We have been destroying
the environment so much that it has led to global warming.Our
responsibility is to protect our Earth from pollution, stop destroying
trees and killing animals.
J. Randhula Gajadheera,
Willesden College International,
Obey and respect teachers!
play a great role in educating us, students. It is they who give us the
basic foundation apart from our parents and family. Due to this, we are
able to face a lot of challenges in life. Teaching is a noble profession
as even kings, queens and other famous inventors, artists and scientists
have all once been taught by them.
Without teachers, we would be like a boat without proper direction to
sail. We would not know how to read or write. We are able to become
great doctors, engineers, accountants and famous people in various other
fields because of what we gain from teachers.
So, we must respect and obey our teachers, but sadly, in the modern
world, many students do not obey or respect them. Many students ignore
teachers and do not give them due respect. They do not realise the value
of education and the role teachers play in educating us. Many students
think that teachers are there to torture them and deprive them of
enjoying their school days.
They must realise that they are there for their own benefit; to
educate them and show them the right path. They do not take the maximum
use of what teachers have to offer them.
We should respect, obey and follow their advice always to succeed in
life. We should also be ready to help teachers when they are in need of
any assistance. Remember, respecting teachers is a noble deed.
Fathima Shahani,
Grade 9 L,
Ilma International Girls' School, Rajagiriya.
A plea of a fish
Please don’t catch me,
Please don’t cook me,
Please don’t fry me,
Please don’t eat me,
Oh! please let me live in the water!
A. Shafeeha Dilshan
Grade 7 C
St. Andrew’s Balika, Nawalapitiya |