Trilingual Initiative will lead to peace and harmony - Ex Indian
President Kalam
The former President, A.P.J. Abdul Kalam, will embark on a mission to
promote peace, harmony and prosperity for all societal constituents in
Sri Lanka and propagate an agenda for an inclusively developed nation.
On the eve of his four-day visit to the island nation, Mr. Kalam gave
an e-mail interview to The Hindu, explaining how he plans to meet
leaders of "both sides" to convey a mission of building an environment
for harmony and mutual trust. He has asked the Sri Lankan government to
arrange a visit to the camps for the internally displaced. Kalam is
going to Sri Lanka to participate in the launch of the 'Trilingual
Initiative,' an ambitious program of Sri Lankan President Mahinda
Rajapaksa that seeks to encourage Sri Lankans to learn all three
languages spoken in the multi-ethnic country - Tamil, Sinhalese and
Excerpts from the interview:
How significant is the 'Trilingual Initiative' and what kind of a
change do you think it can bring about in Sri Lanka ?
Abdul Kalam: This initiative has to be a start for inclusive growth
in Sri Lanka.
This initiative will enable the students to learn their subjects
better in their mother tongue.
For example, I learnt in my mother tongue, Tamil up to tenth class.
Also, it can bring cultural and civilisational unity. Above all, the
individual languages can enrich each other.
Do you have plans to meet Tamils living in the camps during your
four-day visit to Sri Lanka? What do you have to tell them?
I am going to meet the leaders from both sides and convey a mission
of building an environment for harmony and mutual trust. I have asked
the Sri Lankan government to arrange a visit for me to the camps.
How important is it for Sri Lanka to accommodate the political and
cultural interests of Tamils there?
In a democracy the well-being, individuality and happiness of every
citizen is important for the overall prosperity, peace and happiness of
the nation.
What do you think is the solution to the fishermen issue? How can Sri
Lanka help in ensuring the safety of fishermen of Tamil Nadu?
We need a bipartite agreement between India and Sri Lanka, leading to
a win-win situation for both the nations. The sharing of resources has
to be planned and it should lead to increase in per capita income and
ensure safety for the fishermen community.
Do you apprehend any criticism from political parties or
organisations that may oppose your visit to Sri Lanka? How would you
react to such criticism?
I am going to Sri Lanka with a mission of promoting peace, prosperity
and harmony for all societal constituents.
Even for this mission there could be criticism; that is what
democracy is all about.Several thousands of Sri Lankan Tamils are still
living in India and abroad as refugees. How important is it for Sri
Lanka to bring the refugees (Tamils) back home?
The onus is now on the Sri Lankan government to ensure a conducive
environment for all Sri Lankan Tamils to come together in their
motherland and work for the prosperity of the nation as a whole.
You have always advocated the youth to dream for a developed India.
What is your message to the youth in Sri Lanka who have suffered years
of ethnic crisis and war?
An economically peaceful and prosperous Sri Lanka is the dream of
youth of the nation. My message for the youth is to collectively work
for an inclusively developed Sri Lanka. I am meeting thousands of
students in multiple universities and schools and I will interact with
Wars bring the tragic situation, where fathers bury their sons, how
can such an act be a solution? War is never a lasting solution for any
wAll wars signify the failure of conflict resolution mechanisms and
they need post-war rebuilding of faith, trust and confidence.