Actions speak louder than words
There was a time in the modern history of post war Sri Lanka, that
huge demanding for IDPs in welfare villages be resettled immediately
before the onset of monsoon rains. Obviously, there is no gainsaying
that the displaced civilians must be helped to return home and rebuild
their lives as soon as possible. But, before that, there was so much of
groundwork to be done.
The Government, amidst tremendous pressure from both Opposition
politicians and LTTE sympathisers abroad, stood firm and resisted
confidently that the IDPs can only be resettled when the area is being
made safe for them to live.
The biggest obstacle was the heavy presence of deadly mines which
fleeing Tamil Tigers ‘sowed’ haphazardly.
It made mine clearing a time consuming and dangerous operation to be
conducted cautiously and thoroughly. Also the situation in the Vanni was
far more complex in terms of the damage to infrastructure and hidden
arms caches.
Above all, there were thousands of battle-hardened LTTE killers among
the IDPs to be resettled.
However, two and half years on, the speedy and more secure
resettlement of over 275,000 IDPs is commendable.
The government and its security forces, as the way they rescued them
from Tamil Tigers now have resettled almost every family in their
original homes and villages except those who had lived in Mulliwaikkal
East , West, Ambalawanpokkanei where identified as heavily dense mine
fields. But, the government has given them an option too; that is to
relocate them in a 600 acre village at Kombavil, the concept is to
accommodate them until their villages are being cleared and freed from
In the first phase of the project, 229 members of 72 families
resettled recently.
Each family was given a 40 perch land with a new house built on it,
and so far, construction of 200 housing units has been completed. The
government initially planned to resettle all remaining IDPs in Manik
Farm in the Kombavil relocation village.
However, it was later decided to resettle a portion of the remaining
lot in safe areas closer to the Kombavil relocation village allowing
resettled civilians to start their living with no hassle.
While the Tamil Tigers and their supporters saw a resort to bullets
and bombs as the only means of gaining their ends, the government making
all possible efforts has ensured their security and given back what the
terrorists had taken away from them except, the lives of their beloved
“We have been waiting for years to live freely and safely in our
villages, now our dreams have come true. For me it’s truly a dream.
"I still remember how the Tamil Tigers took away my only son, he was
just 16, the armed terrorists dragged him to their vehicle despite pleas
from me and his mother.
"He’s gone forever...” Kumar, one of the newly resided at Kombavil
cried, recalling the horror that the Tamil Tigers had unleashed on them.
The other remarkable achievement is that the rehabilitation of 11,700
former combatants who had surrendered to the government security forces
during and immediately after the final phase of the war.
So far, the government has released 10,375 ex-combatants after their
successful rehabilitation program, empowering them with vocational
skills to face the future with more confidence. Also, the government has
spent millions of taxpayers’ money to make them useful citizen to the
What one must applaud is the government’s deep concern over the IDP’s
issue; how it handled these unexpected and huge numbers of IDPs, and
providing them with basic needs and other facilities including sanitary
and healthcare soon after they had been rescued from the terrorists.
Here, what made it more remarkable was the genuine assistance of the
rest of the citizens who gathered and volunteered to help those in need,
no matter of their caste or religion, they have joined the course, even
with a small piece of cloth for their brethren in the North.
The government having dealt with all sorts of challenges so far has
succeeded in the resettlement process. Now the harmony prevails across
the country giving a boost to much needed reconciliation after three
decade of war. Many who try to dismantle the process making
unsubstantiated allegations seem oblivious to what is really going on in
the country, and what those who must realise is “Actions speak louder
than words” as the old proverb said.