The pill ‘does ease period pain’
21 Jan, BBC
Oral contraceptives may alleviate painful periods for some women,
suggests a 30-year study.
Estimates suggest more than half of women have suffered from the
condition, called dysmenorrhoea, at some point.
The Scandinavian study, reported in the journal Human Reproduction,
found women on the pill reported slightly less severe period pains.
Oral contraceptives are not currently officially licensed for this
The researchers, from Sahlgrenska Academy at Gothenburg University,
followed groups of hundreds of 19-year-olds, recruiting some in 1981,
some in 1991, and the rest in 2001.
Five years after an initial health questionnaire, the women were
contacted again to see if anything had changed.
Dr Ingela Lindh, who led the study, said: “We found there was a
significant difference in the severity of dysmenorrhoea depending on
whether or not the women used combined oral contraceptives.”
While it was hard to quantify precisely this difference in pain
levels, on average it represented a change from “severe” to “moderate”
pain in every third woman in the group taking oral contraceptives. Dr
Lindh said that the impact of painful periods should not be
She said: “Painful periods occur frequently, particularly in young
women where as many as 50% to 75% suffer from dysmenorrhoea.
“It can have a detrimental effect on these women’s lives, causing
regular absenteeism from school and work, and interfering with their
daily activities for several days each month.
“Effective management of dysmenorrhoea is beneficial for both the
women affected and society.”
One US survey suggested that the condition could cause 600m lost
working hours in the US each year.
However, earlier efforts to detect any link between the pill and
period pain had proved fruitless, with a 2009 Cochrane Review concluding
there was limited evidence for pain improvement.
At present, the European Medicines Agency, which oversees drug
licensing across the EU, does not include the treatment of period pain
as a licensed use for oral contraceptives.
This means that any doctor in the UK who wishes to prescribe for that
purpose would have to go outside the official licensing scheme, and many
would be unwilling to do so.
Dr Lindh said that the new information from her study should be
included in contraceptive counselling sessions.