Independent, but more ground to cover
by Ven. Walpola PIYANANDA
Sri Lanka received its independence from Britain on February 4, 1948,
but our country is still not liberated or truly free. We may have a
constitution and enjoy the status of a sovereign state, but as a nation
and a people we have not yet won our freedom from egotistical
self-centeredness, collective irresponsibility, pettiness, arrogance,
and an unbridled lack of discipline. I'm not sure if this is because our
independence was without bloodshed and immense personal sacrifice, which
was experienced by our neighbour India when they were finally freed from
British rule.
Perhaps our independence came too easily, which prevents us from
fully appreciating it. I sometimes think we take our freedom for granted
instead of living in total gratitude for the blessings of independence.
The Buddha had much to say about liberation from the mental
defilements and fetters that keep us bound in shackles while we live in
the illusion of freedom.
A good example of this phenomenon is observing our political parties
in action. Party members typically put the good of the party over the
well-being of the nation.
Facts are spun to suit the advancement of the party, and libellous
bickering takes the place of constructive consensus building. Right View
is ignored at the expense of self-interest and personal and group
aggrandizement. Where is freedom when arrogance trumps unity?
When our opposition party made headlines by saying Sri Lanka has sold
everything to the "Chinese mafia," were they thinking about the
ramifications in India from such an incendiary statement? Sri Lanka has
to tread very carefully between China and India in order to keep the
peace, and balance the tenuous friendship with both countries.
Right Speech is ignored as unnecessary new problems are created. Does
freedom mean that we can say what we like - regardless of the
Not a day passes without the exposure of another corrupt government
official. Bribery, extortion, obstacles to progress removed or kept in
place by greasing palms - all have become common in our society.
Right livelihood is ignored as greed trumps integrity. Can these
self-centered practices exist in a truly free society where selfless
government officials work for the benefit of all the people?
Our university students, the lucky 6% that make it, protest against
the establishment of private universities because they're concerned of
their chances in the job market will be hurt with more graduates to
compete with. Right Action is ignored as our students' greed trumps
their gratitude for free education. Are these self-concerned protestors
thinking about plugging the leak of brain power and finances that result
from sending the other 94% overseas to be educated?
Some of the media waste no time in slandering and attacking those
parties or individuals it doesn't like. It doesn't matter if what is
reported is true or false. For example, the Opposition Leader continues
to be relentlessly attacked by one of the television stations. Even
though I don't agree with the Opposition Leader, I have compassion for
him. Is this abuse of the freedom of speech and ignoring Right of Speech
conducive to a healthy, harmonious country? Is the media, by glorifying
its own biased views at the expense of all else, think Sri Lankans are
better off being duped and lied to? Is the media really supposed to have
its own selfish agenda?
Government employees take to the streets when they feel they've been
slighted or think they're underpaid. In the Sigalovada Sutta we are
instructed in the responsibilities of the employee as well as the
employer. It's a two way street, and one cannot exist or survive without
the other. Our civil employees often forget the dynamics of this
relationship, and they neglect to hold up their end of the bargain.
Sri Lanka is on the brink of realising many opportunities that were
unavailable during the years of LTTE terrorism. We've been through a
hard time, yes, but now it's time we stopped complaining. We have a
wealth of natural resources and a population of educated and
warm-hearted people. It's like the story of the beggar who had been
sitting by the side of the road for thirty years. One day a stranger
walked by.
"Spare some change?" mumbled the beggar, mechanically holding out his
old baseball cap.
"I have nothing to give you," said the stranger. Then he asked, "What
is that you're sitting on?"
"Nothing," replied the beggar. "Just an old box. I have been sitting
on it for as long as I can remember."
"Ever looked inside?" asked the stranger.
"No," said the beggar. "What's the point? There's nothing in there."
"Have a look inside," insisted the stranger.
The beggar managed to pry open the lid. With astonishment, disbelief,
and elation, he saw that the box was filled with gold.
As a country, let's open up our box of gold and start using our
resources responsibly. Freedom implies having the will to discipline
ones' self and one's group, and put the good of all before the benefit
of the few.
It also implies tolerance and respect for all, as well as living in
integrity and truth. If this be the case, Sri Lanka may have won its
independence, but we're still not free.
If we truly want to be free, then we need to practise mutual respect
for one another, put aside the past and dwell in the present, and begin
to look at our country with open eyes, appreciating what we have. |