New dual Citizenship will remove all loopholes - Controller General
of Immigration and Emigration
By Anuradha KODAGODA

W.A.C. Perera
The Sri Lankan government has stopped issuing dual citizenship as a
temporary measure since January 28.
According to Immigration and Emigration statistics there are more
than one million expatriate Sri Lankans, of which 100,000 are
professionals; and there are nearly one million people from the Tamil
diaspora. In addition, every year approximately 7,000 Sri Lankan
students go abroad for higher education and many of them opt to stay on
after obtaining their degrees.
Even though the temporary termination of issuing dual citizenships
has not affected the citizenship status of those who have already
obtained dual citizenship, when considering the above given statistics
it is questionable that the temporary ban on dual citizenship may create
disadvantages especially for the country's economy.
Talking to the Sunday Observer, Controller General of Immigration and
Emigration W.A.C. Perera said, "The main reason for the temporary
termination of issuing dual citizenship was that due to the loopholes we
noticed on the existing system. When implementing the system there were
many anticipated advantages from the dual citizenship holders. However,
on closer scrutiny it seems that as a country we could not meet expected
benefits or advantages from the dual citizenship holders and the purpose
was lost."
Means of dual citizenship
An individual who has citizenship in both Sri Lanka and a foreign
country is considered a dual citizen of Sri Lanka. If a Sri Lankan
obtained a citizenship in another country, according to the Immigration
act of Sri Lanka, that person's citizenship in Sri Lanka would be
terminated automatically. However since that person is an ex-Sri Lankan,
there were procedures for them to request a citizenship in Sri Lanka.
The Sri Lankan Immigration Act was introduced in 1938 but the dual
citizenship was not granted from that act. Later, even though the Sri
Lankan citizenship act was implemented in 1956, until 1987 the dual
citizenship was not granted in the country.
The main reason for not granting dual citizenship before '87 was that
there was not sufficient demand for dual citizenship before, when
compared to the current scenario.
However, so far we have granted 33,065 dual citizenships and
according to the statistics the majority of Sri Lankan dual citizenship
holders live in Australia, which is 11,753. The other main countries are
Canada, UK, USA, Italy, France, Switzerland, Sweden and New Zealand.
Nature of Dual citizenship
The nature of granting dual citizenship was divided into four main
categories worldwide. Some countries granted dual citizenship without
any conditions and 51 countries fall into that category.
There are another 74 countries which do not grant dual citizenship
under any circumstances and also 35 countries which say no to the dual
citizenship, but under several conditions they may grant the dual
Sri Lanka was placed into that category before the termination. Other
than that, there are 15 countries who say 'yes' for the dual citizenship
but it is again under a few conditions. They can terminate the same at
any given time under its conditions.
Those who enjoy the dual citizenship are entitled for the voting
rights in both countries and also are treated as permanent citizens in
both countries eligible for all the benefits and social welfare provided
by those countries.
Previous criteria
Until the recent government directive, dual citizenship was granted
under five main categories, that is, Professional category - We consider
the applicant's professional importance and grant the citizenship,
Wealth category - if the applicant has property in Sri Lanka worth over
Rs. 2,500,000 also we may grant the dual citizenship, Fixed Deposit
category - if the applicant has US $25,000 in fix deposits which cannot
be withdrawn for five years also may be granted the dual citizenship in
the country, Senior Citizen category - that means those above 55 years
and who was an ex-Sri Lankan and the category of Non-Resident Foreign
Currency (NRFC), Resident Foreign Currency (RFC) or Special Foreign
Investment Deposit Accounts holders of ex-Sri Lankans also may apply for
the dual citizenship in Sri Lanka.
If any ex-Sri Lankan who may fall into any category mentioned above
may apply for the dual citizenship in Sri Lanka before that was
terminated in last year. To grant the dual citizenships there was a
committee consisting of five members.
According to the requirement, the committee meets and if the
committee decides to grant the citizenship after going through all the
required procedure, the committee gets the support from state
intelligence to make sure each person has not violated any rules and
regulations of the state when they were ex-Sri Lankans.
Finally, there was a payment to be made by the applicant which was
for the main applicant.
It was Rs. 2,l00,000 and if there're other members of the family it
charged only Rs. 50,000 per person.
Once this was approved by the Ministry of Defence and President's
Secretary the process would be completed.
That was the procedure in terms of dual citizenship before it was
terminated in January 28, 2011. However, when grating dual citizenships
earlier, we have considered mainly the advantages that we may gain to
the country by granting them that facility.
Most of them are the beneficiaries of free education in the country
and when they get foreign job opportunities it would be favourable for
the country's economy because it is a reason to pump foreign currency
into the country's coffers.
Also, that would be even a slight release in terms of unemployment in
the country as well. Other than that, to have Sri Lankan diaspora all
over the world also would be an advantage to the country.
However, it is a serious question whether those who are enjoying the
benefits of dual citizenship in Sri Lanka could give back the expected
benefits to the country.
For example, by those who got the dual citizenship under the category
of profession, there's no clear impact to the society or it is
questionable when considering what returns the country receives. Also,
it is a similar scenario with the people who come to invest in Sri
It is questionable whether they have truly done anything for the
betterment of the country's economy.
The visible reality is that many have (mis)used dual citizenship in a
narrowed manner.
For example, most of them wanted to enjoy the duty free facility as a
citizen in Sri Lanka; also to get rid of the various taxes that they may
have to face as a foreigner and to enjoy many other benefits which they
may not get as a tourist.
On the other hand, there may be shortcomings on the part of the
authorities too. Therefore, we think the system should be further
streamlined in a more transparent manner, and the immigration department
suggested to the government to terminate the existing dual citizenship
process temporarily, to implement a new system which would be more
meaningful and advantageous to the country as well as to the holders.
Especially the recent incident with regard to Premakumar Gunaratnam
who appeared in two different names in Australia and Sri Lanka, shows
the danger of not maintaining strict regulations for dual citizenships
in the country. According to the information given by the Australian
high commission, Gunaratnam has applied the citizenship in Australia
under the name Noel Mudalige.
In Australia there is a program called naturalisation where under
that program legally they can represent themselves in two different
names. However, he has not held dual citizenship in Sri Lanka under any
of these names. Therefore, this type of situation also proves that we
have not thoroughly considered these type of threats that can occur due
to the loosening the immigration laws.
I must say there're no hidden agendas but it is a completely
transparent system that we are going to implement in the near future.
New implementation
We have sent the cabinet paper to get the approvals of the relevant
authorities. Within the next couple of months we may able to implement
this new system.
There are a few proposals that we have suggested to the government
and we hope they may confirm the most suitable and advantageous proposal
to implement as the new system.
Those who are entitled to dual citizenship so far may not be entitled
to the current termination of the dual citizenship. They still can enjoy
the rights of the dual citizenship they have according to the earlier
regulations. |