May Day - a workers’ celebration
“Workers of the World Unite!” You might have
heard this rallying cry many times and almost invariably on May Day.
Workers toil hundreds of days a year and May Day, or Labour Day, as
it is known in some countries, is the only day dedicated to them
worldwide. It is the day when workers come together to champion
their rights and raise their voice for better working conditions.
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It's all in the mind!
Almost all the leading religions and
philosophies have paid close attention to the mind. Their approaches
may be different, but the fact remains that the theories and views
offered to the layman are quite mind boggling. It is not easy to
understand the nature and location of the mind without which no
human activity is possible.
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Thorns on the Side
The cup that cheers
In neighbouring India, “a storm in a tea cup” is
brewing over a decision to name tea as the country’s National Drink.
India’s Planning Commission Deputy Singh Ahluwalia said recently
that tea would be declared India's national drink by April next
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