It's all in the mind!
The aim of education should be to convert
the mind into a living fountain and not a reservoir. That which is
filled by merely pumping in, will be emptied by pumping out.
- John M.
Almost all the leading religions and philosophies have paid close
attention to the mind. Their approaches may be different, but the fact
remains that the theories and views offered to the layman are quite mind
boggling. It is not easy to understand the nature and location of the
mind without which no human activity is possible. If you cut open the
human skull, you will find the brain with its millions of cells and
neurons. However, nobody has found an organ called the mind although its
existence cannot be denied.
Finding the location of the mind has been an age-old philosophical
problem. Is the mind located in the brain? Or is it found in any other
part of the body? Is the brain synonymous with the mind? Some modern
scientists tend to believe that the brain and mind are the same.
Those who adopt this stand are known to believe in Monism according
to which the key to understand the human mind lies in understanding the
nervous system that is closely connected with the brain. Psychologist
Carlson, however, holds a different view. He says the mind is a
consequence of the functioning of the human body and its interactions
with the environment.
Buddha found that
thoughts flow from the mind |
Wherever it is located, the mind is a storehouse of tremendous power.
Certain modern psychologists believe that it is the mind that uses the
brain for various functions. In a way, the mind is the product of the
brain and the central nervous system. Whether the mind is dictating
terms to the brain or vice versa, there seems to be a close connection
between the two entities. For instance, when a person's brain
malfunctions, his mind too is adversely affected.
Psychological research
Biologically, it is the brain that sends signals to various parts of
the body. According to modern psychological research, the mind can send
various messages through neurotransmitters. The researchers claim that
it is the mind and not the brain that should take the credit for being
the seat of analysis, learning, judgement, memory and higher levels of
If you look at it seriously, the mind is a strange entity. It learns
through trial and error. It gathers and stores various experiences for
future use. However, individual minds have different capacities for
learning and various other activities. As a result, those who follow the
same course of studies will show different levels of performance in an
examination. The good news is that the mind is very flexible and
expandable to get the desired results. Most of us have not properly
understood the mind's capacity to do so.
Another strange quality of the mind is that it can observe itself
unlike any other physical organ. Philosophers and psychologists observe
their own mind and come up with gems of thought. In meditation, we try
to keep the mind under control to observe its nature. Nobody can stop us
from doing so. As the leading Indian philosopher Jiddu Krishnamurti once
said, your body can be imprisoned, but nobody can imprison your mind.
Lotus eaters
We are fast becoming a nation of lotus eaters who rely on astrologers
and other soothsayers who are ready to predict what is in store for us
in the future. In developed countries people try to energise their brain
to achieve success in different fields of activity. It is time that we
took a close look at our own attitudes and beliefs if we really want to
succeed in life. It is said that an average man uses only about 10
percent of his brain capacity. Most people are reluctant to learn
difficult subjects and energise their brain.
In Buddhism, the mind is referred to as mana, citta, and vinnana.
Even the Pali word for man, manussa, means someone who has a developed
mind or consciousness. Long before modern psychologists found that
thoughts flow from the mind in an endless process in lightning rapidity,
the Buddha expressed the same view millennia ago.
According to Buddhism, the mind is born at the moment of conception.
Known as patisandi vinnana (relinking consciousness) the mind is
conditioned by Kammic forces. As a result, we have different types of
people: intellectuals, imbeciles, cheats, fraudsters, criminals, rapists
and what not. Western psychologists who do not believe in Kammic forces
say such differences occur due to genetic factors.
A close study of the mind is bound to give tremendous pleasure for
those who want to expand it and absorb the higher thought processes in
the world. There is no limit to learning and the mind is ready to
accommodate any load of knowledge worth acquiring.