Call to reintroduce Nano Science in schools
Sri Lanka should popularise Nano Science at school level to gain
economic control in nano technology- based industries. Nano Science
should be re-introduced in school syllabuses said Dr. Prabath
Hewageegana of the Department of Physics of the University of Kelaniya.
Nano Science should be taught at school level so that students have a
basic knowledge and the foundation in Nano Science should be strong to
enable applications in nano technology.
The Ministry of Science and Technology has recognised nano
technology-based applications and potential industries and institutions
have been set up. Strengthening Nano Science education is crucial for
sustainable development in the field. Sri Lanka can easily develop a
sufficient pool of professionals and a work force in the next 10-15
The Government's motivation and support is important and more
research funds should be made available to universities and other
research institutions, he said.
Dr.Hewageegana published a book in Sinhala last week to disseminate
knowledge of Nano Science to teachers, students and those interested in
this new subject.
The book is written in simple language to introduce key elements of
the subject.
“Nano Science was in the syllabus for the GCE Ordinary Level and
Advanced Level but was later removed because there were no teachers who
had the knowledge of the subject.
Another complaint from teachers was that there were no text books in
Sinhala for reference.
My objective is to fulfill this requirement and if the authorities
want to develop this sector they should re-introduce Nano Science in the
school syllabus” Dr.Hewageegana said. Senior Prof. of Physics, W.P.
Siripala said that the importance of Nano Science is that it can be
applied in every field.
Today it is applied in medicine,agriculture, and many other
industries. This new science will generate the next revolution in
science and therefore expansion of the knowledge in Nano Science was
This is the first book on Nano Science written in Sinhala. Dr.
Hewageegana who completed his PhD in Nano Science at Georgia State
University, USA is one of the local experts in the field and has
published a number of research papers in Nano Science locally and
internationally, Prof. Siripala said.