Jobs for graduates soon - Siyambalapitiya
All unemployed graduates will be provided State employment within the
next two months, said Sri Lanka Independent Graduates Association Senior
Vice President, Minister Ranjith Siyambalapitiya.
He said that all districts will be covered under this program.
Graduates will be selected for a training program following an interview
with District Secretaries.
"Graduates will be registered at the Divisional Secretaries for a
six-month training program. Around 23,698 graduates have already been
enrolled", Siyambalapitiya said.
Around 6,000 untrained graduates will be enrolled for the program,
Finance Ministry sources said.
"Interviews will be conducted within the next two months for
graduates who have not received training", Siyambalapitiya said.
He said that all government service graduates will be absorbed as
program officers under the program officers service minute and all those
who have been absorbed will be made permanent after an interview at the
end of the training program.
"Graduates in the North and the East who have not been included for
the training program so far will be enrolled within the next few weeks",
Siyambalapitiya said.
- LF