A storm on the beach

One sunny evening my friends and I were making sand castles on the
beach when it suddenly became gloomy.
The wind started to blow fast. The people on the beach began moving
away from the beach but we continued to play.
A huge wave came in and broke our sand castle. Then it started to
drizzle. So, we stopped playing and moved into a hut. We decided to wait
there until it stopped drizzling, but it turned into a heavy shower.
Lots of big waves came towards us. It started to thunder with flashes of
lightning spreading across the sky.
We felt scared and wanted to run, but it was difficult to do so as it
was dark and raining heavily. Suddenly, a huge wave crashed on to the
hut we were in and broke it.
We all screamed and ran towards our vehicle. We then decided to get
back home. We were sad because we could not play properly due to the
stormy weather.
Chanuthi Gunasekara,
Grade 3,
Lyceum International School,
The blue waters raise its voice...
If the blue waters of the mighty oceans got an opportunity to speak,
what would they say?
I am the largest water basin in the world. The Planet Earth is named
the Blue Planet because of me.
People love me a lot. Many stand on the seashore and tell their
troubles to me. Children and even some adults too love trampling my
Do you know that there is a beautiful world inside of me which is
more fascinating than the world you see outside of me?
Tsunami was the result of my terrible anger. I destroyed houses and
irrigation lands but, there was a reason for my anger.
It was because people did not treat me right. They put dirt into me
and polluted me. When my water gets polluted the marine life is
affected. However, I know my anger caused great destruction and I am
really sorry for that.
Do you know that 20 per cent of the fresh water fish have been pushed
to the brink of extinction due to contaminated water? Half of the
world’s 500 major rivers are seriously depleted or polluted? Some
countries do not even have enough water to drink. Ethiopia, Somalia and
Sudan are some examples.
Even though the Earth is three fourths water, very little of it is
fresh water.All the living organisms of this world can live a few days
without food but not without water. Human beings need water not only for
drinking but also for different other purposes. I have a great favour to
ask all of you. Please do not pollute me . Ask the government to
implement a law to protect water.
Chamodya Thathsarani Wijewardana,
Grade 6A,
Royal International School,
[Your poems]
A loving friend
All of us live with it,
Oh! it’s really wonderful,
A precious gift,
From Mother Nature,
Who gives life to us
Who gives all our needs;
Who lives with us;
Who can live without it?
Yes, we know it’s
A part of our lives.
Dear friend,
Your beauty,
Nobody can compare
Still it’s a surprise
Your trees, hills, lakes, fields,
Are all very wonderful,
We love you and
Are very proud of you,
But sometimes you are rough;
Oh! I know it’s our fault,
Really you are correct.
Sorry my friend,
We’ll try to be good,
I promise you,
We’ll never harm you,
So, you protect us forever.
Probably now you know who our friend is
It’s our ‘loving environment’,
Let’s love it,
Let’s protect it
Let’s pay tribute to it
Maheshi Wijesinghe,
Grade 11,
Holy Family B.M.V.,
Life on the Moon
Just imagine how life on the Moon would be. We would be lost in the
dark, lonely space and see our Planet Earth as a tiny blue tennis ball.
We would never be tired when living on the Moon, because there will be
no need of walking. We could float instead. However, we would be

Will there be air-conditioning on the Moon and how about sleeping?
Will there be enough oxygen on the Moon for us to breathe? What about
food and water? Perhaps we'll have to import them from Earth. We would
no doubt have to think of solutions, once we land on the Moon.
As I said earlier floating would be the prime mode of getting from
one place to another. But how can we know how to control the speed of
What about school? Of course we'll have to go to a different type of
school where aliens teach! Then, we'll have various problems when
studying in a foreign planet. How can we master their language? Will
they be friendly or fierce? When we think of aliens with their fantastic
body parts, green faces, large protruding eyes and long noses, we would
definitely give up the idea of landing on the Moon.
No doubt we'll be shivering at the very sight of those scary
Then, you and I would probably think it would have been better not to
have left Mother Earth.
Once we are on the Moon, if we do not know how to float, due to high
pressure, we'll fall into the deep holes of the Moon, NEVER to be FOUND
So, do you still think it's a good idea to land on the Moon and live
there for the rest of your lives? Think about it.
M. Z. Shimzara,
Grade 8,
Al-Hudha Islamic International School, Thihariya.
If I win a lottery...
If I win a lottery, I will promptly think of the best way of spending
the money. Firstly I will thank God for offering me such a large amount
of money. Then from this I will gift half of it to my parents.
My next step will be to find some poor people who are unable to find
money to live, children who have no parents to provide for them, people
who have lost all their savings and have no money and of course beggars.
I will spend a lot of the money to meet their needs and also to build
houses for them.
Once I do these things I will spend the balance money for my own
purposes. I love music very much so, I will spend some of the money to
purchase a piano.
Then I will buy some things for my school needs. I love to read
books. So, I will build a small library and invite my closest friends to
read books and enjoy themselves.
We must always have a plan to spend money in a beneficial way if we
ever win a lottery.
Rachel de Silva,
Grade 7D,
St. Lawrence's Convent,
Wellawatte. |