Birds are easy to draw
The easiest animals to draw and paint are birds. This is due to their
rounded and tapering shape and absence of complicated structure. To draw
birds it is not necessary to go too far. You can find a model in your
garden, in any pet shop, photographs in books or magazines or at the

The first thing a beginner should study before drawing any animal is
its anatomy. Many amateur artists think that the birds are very
difficult to draw because they rarely stay still for long. So, they
never attempt to draw this fascinating subject.
Figure 1 shows different heads and beaks of the avian friends .
Notice how the shape of the beaks differ. Many artists tend to draw
birds in profile because they are easier to identify from this angle.
The outline drawings of Figure 1 show four kinds of bird heads. The
top four drawings are of a peregrine falcon.
Under this is a duck, then a seagull and at the bottom heads of small
song birds. When you want to draw a bird, first take a good look at the
overall shape. Next start by drawing the basic shape accurately.
There are many kinds of birds in different shapes and sizes. The most
common birds in the country are the sparrow, crow, mynah, parrot, king
fisher, cuckoo and peacock. They can be observed in many places like
paddy fields, lake sides and forests.
Remember great attention must be paid to the initial sketch of the
bird. Once the initial sketch is done, finish off the lines that define
the anatomy of the bird.
At the start try using a 2B pencil to make things easier. Next
transform the sketches to pen and ink drawings to gain more practice and
Spectacular solar flare erupts from the Sun
The sun erupted in an amazing solar flare on April 16, unleashing an
intense eruption of super-heated plasma that arced high above the star's
surface before blasting out into space.The powerful solar flare occurred
at 1:45 p.m. EDT (1745 GMT) and registered as a moderate M1.7-class on
the scale of sun storms, placing it firmly in the middle of the scale
used by scientists to measure flare strength.

The solar flare unleashing super-heated plasma. |
The storm is not the strongest this year from the Sun, but photos and
video of the solar flare captured by NASA spacecraft revealed it to be
an eye-popping display of magnetic plasma.
"Great eruption happening on the Sun now," scientists with NASA's
Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) wrote in a Twitter post. The solar
flare erupted along the sun's eastern limb (its left side) from an
active region that may also be responsible for solar storm activity
observed on April 16, SDO mission officials said. The flare kicked up a
massive amount of solar plasma in an explosion known as a coronal mass
ejection, or CME.
"Such eruptions are often associated with solar flares, and in this
case an M1 class (medium-sized) flare did occur at the same time, though
it was not aimed toward Earth," officials with NASA's Goddard Space
Flight Center in Greenbelt, Md., explained in an image description. The
Goddard center oversees the sun-monitoring SDO mission.
When aimed at Earth, strong solar flares and CMEs can supercharge the
planet's auroras, also known as the northern and southern lights.
Extremely powerful
CMEs can pose a danger to astronauts and satellites in space, as well
as power grids, navigation and communications systems on Earth.
Astronomers measure solar flares on a letter scale, with the
strongest events falling into three categories: C, M and X. C-class
solar flares are the weakest events, with the X-class sun storms marking
the most powerful events on the Sun.
The Sun is currently in an active phase of its 11-year solar weather
cycle and is expected to reach its peak activity in 2013. The current
solar weather cycle is known as Solar Cycle 24.
Courtesy: Internet |