Ra-Blue teams up with Tiger proxies
Ra-Blue will not have to sweat and toil to bring bus-loads of people
for Tuesday's May Day rally as Some-Panthan has undertaken the job.
Knowing that the Green Reformists would boycott the event under his
patronage, he has teamed up with Tiger proxies to hold the You-En-Pee
rally in Jaffna. Pretty smart eh?
Ka-roo in 'suicidal' attempt
Ka-Roo Victory-Suriya was adamant that he does not need anybody's
permission to attend the Premadasa commemoration as he is the chairman
of the organising committee. But it will be 'suicidal' if Ka-roo fails
to turn up at the Greens' Jaffna rally as Ra-Blue has granted permission
to only Saa-jeet the Love-Slave and Doctor-Arachchi to skip the Jaffna
Doc Jay Jay meets his waterloo
Doc Jay Jay, who was taken ill in London while returning home after
tarnishing Sri Lanka's image during the UNHRC sessions, is now begging
for State funds to meet his thumping hospital bill which is over 25,000
Sterling Pounds. Ra-Blue, in an SOS call, has pleaded with the Governing
types to foot the bill. Should public funds be given to traitors?
More support for Love-Slave's rally
Ra-Blue's real strength in the Elephant Party would be exposed after
May Day, Love-Slave told his confidants yesterday. Many district and
regional party leaders have assured Love-Slave that they would attend
the Premadasa commemoration, rather than Ra-Blue's Jaffna rally.
Love-Slave has even offered transport facilities to many party
organisers to get their supporters to Colombo.