Hi-tech car aid for older drivers
28, April ,BBC
A team at Newcastle University is developing new technology aimed at
helping older drivers stay on the road.
Many give up because their reaction times have slowed down - but this
means they become more isolated and inactive.One of the Intelligent
Transport team's developments is a "Granny-Nav" which identifies the
safest route, such as avoiding right turns.The Age UK charity said
"ability not age" should determine how safe someone is on the road.
The work is part of a £12m "social inclusion through the digital
economy (SiDE)" project, led by Newcastle University, which aims to see
how technology can improve peoples' lives.The researchers have converted
an electric car into a mobile laboratory.The "DriveLAB" has navigation
tools, night vision systems and intelligent speed adaptations.It can
monitor concentration, stress levels and driving habits via glasses that
can track eye movement, and monitors to assess where the key stress
points are for older drivers.The car also has night vision systems to
help driving in the dark.
Around 20 drivers in their 80s from across the north-east of England
and Scotland have so far taken DriveLAB out on the road.The team looked
at developing a bespoke sat-nav because the elderly drivers they spoke
to said finding a route they were comfortable with was a major factor in
making them feel comfortable driving.Many avoid turning right because
they do not feel confident about judging the speed of oncoming traffic.
It also uses pictures of local landmarks, such as a post box or
public house, as turning cues for when people are driving in unfamiliar
places.Phil Blythe, professor of intelligent transport systems at
Newcastle University, said: "For many older people, particularly those
living alone or in rural areas, driving is essential for maintaining
their independence, giving them the freedom to get out and about without
having to rely on others."And people base their whole lives around
driving a car, having mobility."But we all have to accept that as we get
older our reactions slow down and this often results in people avoiding
any potentially challenging driving conditions and losing confidence in
their driving skills. The result is that people stop driving before they
really need to."What we are doing is to look at ways of keeping people
driving safely for longer, which in turn boosts independence and keeps
us socially connected."
Dr Amy Guo, who is leading the older driver study, said it had
produced some surprises."For example, most of us would expect older
drivers always go slower than everyone else but surprisingly, we found
that in 30mph zones they struggled to keep at a constant speed and so
were more likely to break the speed limit and be at risk of getting