Govt, private sector should play a key role:
Increasing the employability of youth
Kithsiri is in his final year in university and
expects to get good results when he sits his exams in a few months.
His expectations for his future prospects, however, are much lower.
Speaking over the phone, he acknowledges that his chances of
securing a job when he leaves university are slim.
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Tracing the roots of freedom
All human beings and even animals love freedom.
When it comes to humans, they expect freedom of movement, freedom of
speech, freedom of the press and freedom of living without anybody's
control. All these are ideals we have inherited from the Greeks who
lived in the fifth and sixth centuries before the birth of Jesus
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Thorns on the Side:
Ensuring three wheeler safety
Just a couple of weeks ago, we heard that a
three wheeler driver in Hasalaka had been nabbed by Police for
transporting 14(!) schoolchildren. While this could certainly be a
record, we have often seen three wheelers carrying six to eight
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