A psycho-analysis of a soul in distress:
The Picture of Dorian Gray
by Gwen Herat
This is the story of a life gripped in mortal sin brought upon
himself without as much as assessing where it would lead him. A strong
evil power that drove Dorian Gray to be in full control of his life and
transfer his soul to a ‘living’ picture where it would take on the years
he leaves. The story does not indicate how he manipulates such a

Dorian Gray unveils his ageing painting. |
Was it his turbulent mind or mesmerising effects that grips the
reader, confronting him as found in the pages. From the outset, the
story looks simple but the deep dark secret that lay is incredibly
challenging. Whatever the reason is, it is best left for a psychologist
to determine the process of a vibrating restless mind resplendent with
the most beautiful physique and charm a man could wish for which a
modern psychologist might find incapable of disentangling unless he puts
his subject under hypnotism.
But then what happens when he wakes up?
Much of the story is drawn from ambition to challenge or ‘beat’ life
and declare his power above God or Creator or fall partly in line with
the theory of evolution as discovered by Darwin which leads to cases
such as these even if they are fictitious in the eyes of psychologists.
The story begins in the raw expansive world of tension, chroniclyising
the tragedy of young Dorian Gray born a scion to riches who tastes
luxury at its best but is left with a few friends for company.
But the vitality and strength of character make him the ruler of his
fate as well as that of a painter and scientist. With a telling account
of his momentous decisions and growing menace, he becomes a threat to
those who love him. Dorian Gray rises to be the man of the moment and
the citizen of the world. The confronting years under terrible pressures
defining the course of his life, this ‘dramatic personae’ baffles
science with his retaining power of age.
How ruthfully he ‘kills’ his love ... so akin to Hamlet who ruthfully
‘drives’ Ophelia to her death even though under different circumstances,
is a matter of comparison.
Building his personality on the foundation of fantasy Dorian Gray’s
story can be anyone’s story in different shapes and male ego.
With great psychophysical perception one can examine the milieu in
which he was shrouded with an ambition to stay young on borrowed time.
The volatile force that scourged his mind was his own seeking in which
he wallowed. Nowhere does it state that he attempted to peep deep into
the insights that he struggled to achieve, ultimately.
He was the architect of his own doing. Many who read his classic will
tend to dismiss it as an agnostic visionary in today’s contest of
literary concept that is realistic than those that emerged from
perceptive power as idealism, contrary to philosophers who cease
philosophising ideology in cases such as these. It is during such phases
that individuals go through that make the writer’s dreams achieve a
greatness they look forward to that Oscar experienced, never for a
moment imagining to what heights this classics would impact the reader
with the story he leaves behind.
The study is of a very normal man in turmoil with his soul given to
the devil to dissect while in control of his senses with a magnificent
body for post-mortem, and who had the ability to flaunt to incredible
imagination which stunned his readers. With a narcissism quality to wade
through life and dominate the few who rotated around his life to what he
wanted to be; the people who loved him, became the very people whom he
destroyed at the end both physically and mentally.
Dorian Gray is the dream of any young girl but he remained the youth
who fell in love with himself and tried in vain to cheat life at its own
game at the marathon end and who literally succeeded with a grotesque
Human behaviour
Ever since I read The Picture of Dorian Gray I was intrigued by human
behaviour to what extent a little mind could cope with and end in
explosion. I am still at a loss as to how Oscar Wilde handled a
repulsive mind seeped in human drama the pathos, anguish, passion ardour
and intensity imbibed in a paining that he presumed would never grow
with age while the rest of the world around his idol, remained
blossoming manhood. But the frustration it caused its creator, never did
explain to me when I read the book over and over again in the decades
that followed.
However, my curiosity did not kill the cat when I re-read it again a
few weeks back after brushing away the dust it had collected on its
cover, staring at me, the face could well have been my dream man.
My pursuit did not end there but continued to stretch over the years
to nose-dive into what ‘gay’ meant that surrounds people especially
celebrities and in the case of Oscar Wilde, there is a hint of it
attached to Dorian Gray who falls in love with himself which is
reflected in the painting. Later, we were to learn about Oscar Wilde’s
gay activities that miserably led to his death. I was able to view these
bearings more dispassionately. Somewhere in the recess of my mind I had
an abhorrence to gay people, especially the famous man I met
globe-trotting officially. I could from where I had to cease even from a
world renowned literati.
After reading it again just a few days ago, I felt miserable at my
inability to understand why they are so near but so far away. If Oscar
Wilde was alive and kicking today and wrote his classics, he would have
been hailed in a higher status as the genius whose texts could have been
sold in millions because it is the fashion of the day for celebrities to
be gay. He was born far behind time.
Dorian Gray was the son of love and death. Francis was pale as a
ghost, still, the coachman and the footman crept upstairs. The policeman
and other servants followed. They knocked on the door but there was no
reply. Finally they got on the roof and dropped on to the balcony and
kicked in the windows.
When they entered, they found a splendid portrait of the 20 year-old
Dorian Gray with all his youth and handsome features intact.
Lying on the floor was a dead man, with a knife in his heart. He was
withered and wrinkled and horrible to look at. It was not until the
servants examined the rings on his aged fingers that they realised it
was their employer.” Dorian Gray had changed places with his own