A sustainable solution:
Coal power plant projects to be expedited
Amidst dramatic climate challenges and
sky-rocketing diesel and furnace oil prices, Sri Lanka lit up the
country without interruption. Electricity was provided to the public
without power cuts even during difficult times. The buying capacity
for electricity generated using diesel and furnace oil has now hit
the limits.
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Opinion: The HRW report: Unfolding the untold story
We will teach you a lesson: Sexual violence
against Tamils by Sri Lankan Security Forces is a 140-page report
published on February 22, 2013 detailing 75 cases of alleged rape
and sexual abuse committed between 2006 and 2012 in official and
secret detention centres throughout Sri Lanka.
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Victims of brutal LTTE atrocities...:
Evicted Sinhala families resettled in North
“The LTTE threatened Sinhala families and
distributed letters threatening us to evacuate our homes, lands and
businesses. Hitiyoth Maranawa kiwuwa (They said if we stay we will
be killed), Ranathunga said,
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