When the map is not the territory it represents…:
Plan life’s journey
The other day, I was having a discussion with a
few of my subordinates about corporate planning and life planning. I
explained to them that both have many similarities. One young
executive asked me, “Unlike business planning where theories and
formulae are involved, cannot I plan my life and live it from my
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Baffling phobias
A phobia is an extreme fear of a particular
thing or situation, especially one that cannot be reasonably
explained. Almost everybody has some kind of phobia. If you have no
morbid fear of darkness (achluphobia), you will fear flying
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Thorns on the Side
Forty years of cellular telephony
Can you believe that cellular telephony is now
40 years old? Last Wednesday, a largely wireless world celebrated
that major milestone in human history. It was on April 3, 1972 that
Martin Cooper of Motorola made the first cellphone call 40 years
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