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Sunday, 14 April 2013





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Government Gazette

A New Year with renewed hope

Another Sinhala and Hindu New Year has dawned. Each time a New Year approaches, we make our own resolutions. Expectations are high, but not all come true. A New Year gives us an opportunity to take stock of our achievements and failures to face the future with greater courage and determination. Unlike earlier, people today pay more attention to the age-old customs and traditions.

Sinhalese and Tamils have been given equal prominence in their New Year customs under one flag, and the dawn of peace after terrorism was defeated has given one and all the freedom to celebrate the New Year without fear or intimidation.

This is a positive sign as all citizens are acutely aware of the importance of protecting Sri Lanka's identity. Sinhalese, Tamils, Muslims or Burghers are the sons and daughters of this soil in this resplendent isle.

President Mahinda Rajapaksa has set a fine example as the First Citizen by observing the New Year customs at his ancestral Hambantota residence every year. For those in the village, he is the simple and unassuming Mahinda whom they had known for decades - not the Executive President or the Head of State. The President will certainly go by those rich traditions with those villagers today too.

At a time we have so-called leaders in the Opposition who celebrate their birthdays and New Year in Western countries, the nation needs true leaders who could direct the younger generation on the right path.

There was a time in the country when people feared to celebrate the New Year as LTTE bombs exploded, targeting civilians. Travelling on long distance buses and trains to visit relatives and friends after the New Year posed a nightmare due to LTTE time bombs.

The Tamils in the North and the East were also unable to perform their New Year rituals as they were subjected to untold misery. The terror unleashed by the LTTE compelled most of them to remain as a human shield while others spent their nights in the jungles, in fear of LTTE attacks and abductions.

A few days prior to the 2007 Sinhala and Hindu New Year, the Security Forces cleared the Maha Oya-Chenkalady A-5 route after 14 years. With the capture of the A-5 road, the entire civilian population in the East came under government control. This was the turning point in the early stages of the Security Forces' relentless battle against terrorism.

The Sinhala and Hindu New Year also affords an opportunity to one and all to sink petty differences and unite in harmony. As we celebrate the New Year, expectations are high, but not all could achieve their dreams and aspirations. At a time certain extremist elements are attempting to rouse communal passions, we should use the New Year to foster peace and harmony.

Therefore, it behoves all of us to usher in peace that guarantees and safeguards freedom, democracy and the people's rights.

Reminiscing the seven-year period since the 2006 Sinhala and Tamil New Year, all Sri Lankans could feel justifiably proud of their achievements. Having eradicated LTTE terror which plagued the island, the nation is today marching triumphantly towards new horizons. With the entire country liberated from the clutches of LTTE terror in May 2009, the Government has achieved several milestone achievements in development, reconciliation and resettlement.

Sri Lanka's prompt action in resettling over half a million people from LTTE terror has set new world standards. Simultaneously, the North and the East have been developed at a rapid pace, ushering in a new lease of life for the people in the two provinces. The people, who have now begun to make a tangible contribution to the national economy, are celebrating the New Year with renewed hope.

Despite waging a battle against the most ruthless terrorist outfit in the world, President Rajapaksa and the UPFA Government continued to embark on several mega development projects, the results of which are now evident. Apart from opening a new chapter in Sri Lanka's air and sea operations with the commissioning of the Mattala Rajapaksa International Airport and the Hambantota Magampura Harbour, many highways, reservoirs and power generation projects have been constructed as Sri Lanka is making a determined bid to achieve its goal of becoming the Wonder of Asia.

Sri Lanka is perhaps the only country in South Asia which provides an uninterrupted power supply from the national grid. The Government has put an end to power cuts which had affected the country and its industries for many years. Nobody in their wildest dreams guessed that the Upper Kotmale Hydropower project, Kerawalapitiya thermal power project and Norochcholai coal power project would become a reality within a few years. President Rajapaksa's political sagacity and far-sightedness made all these a reality.

Moreover, the Southern Expressway which was commissioned over a year ago, will be extended to Matara before the year's end. The Airport Expressway, which links the capital to the Bandaranaike International Airport at Katunayake, will also be opened in a few months. Phase one of the Outer Circular Road, which links the Kottawa entry point to the Southern Expressway to the Peliyagoda end of the Airport Expressway, is nearing completion. This is the biggest revolution in Sri Lanka's highway history after the British constructed a tunnel in Kadugannawa when constructing the Colombo - Kandy Road. Finding the wherewithal for these gigantic projects in itself is a great victory for the nation.

On the other hand, the rate of unemployment has been reduced to a great extent, especially with the Government's initiative of providing jobs for graduates.

In the more important cost-of-living battle, the Government emerged victorious just a few weeks prior to the New Year. Due to the untiring efforts of the Government and its Trade Minister Johnston Fernando, opportunist traders could not hold people to ransom. The prices of several essential commodities were slashed after the Trade Ministry introduced a special budget pack of essential commodities for consumers.

Sri Lanka has also attracted a larger share of foreign investment, which augurs well for the economy. These contributory factors enabled Sri Lanka to record an impressive growth rate of around seven percent. In the currency market, the Sri Lankan rupee has been stable with a sharp appreciation against leading currencies such as the US dollar and UK sterling pound.

Overall, we could be jubilant with what Sri Lanka has achieved during the past few years. Nevertheless, we could fare even better in the coming year. We are extremely confident that the right strategy and leadership would find lasting solutions to most problems we face today.

Some Western countries, which are flexing their muscle to intimidate Sri Lanka, must be told in no uncertain terms, physicians heal thyselves. They should let Sri Lanka conduct its own reconciliation and make headway in development.

Those who now level war crimes allegations surprisingly did not utter a word against the barbaric acts of the LTTE which marred the Sinhala and Hindu New Year celebrations for over two decades.

Sri Lanka is making tremendous progress in reconciliation and the West should refrain from meddling in Sri Lanka's internal affairs or else it would hamper all what we have achieved despite making immense sacrifices. No force on earth has the right to disrupt this hard-earned peace and coexistence among all communities.

As we celebrate the New Year with our near and dear ones, we remember with profound gratitude those valiant soldiers who sacrificed their future to provide us this peaceful environment. Thanks to their supreme sacrifices, today we could celebrate the New Year in a peaceful atmosphere in all parts of the country. Hence, our undying gratitude goes out to all those brave sons of our soil who had sacrificed their lives to secure our tomorrow. Had it not been for their praiseworthy efforts, we would never have celebrated the New Year with peace of mind.

President Rajapaksa has spared no pains to develop the country and win the 'economic war' as well, similar to his illustrious leadership to win the battle against terrorism. It is the supreme duty of all countrymen to support him in his sincere efforts to make Sri Lanka the Wonder of Asia. This is not a distant dream if all Sri Lankans work together in unity and harmony and contribute their mite towards the motherland. Let all communities join hands to usher in peace in this thrice-blessed isle.


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