Delight in Dhamma helps to live in peace
By Premasara Epasinghe
In the Dhammapada Chapter 6 – Pandita Vagga, The “Wise”, there are
fourteen stanzas, recited by the Buddha for people at different places
of all walks of life.
The significance of these stanzas was that it transmits strong
messages of the value of right livelihood. This is found in all 423
verses in the Dhammapada. As a student of Dhammapada, the more I read,
recite, the stanzas of this “Treasury of Truth”, I am more engrossed in
it and enjoy it. It is a gold mine for me. I do extensive study on these
valuable and beautiful verses.
Today, I draw your attention to stanza 4 – in Pandita Vagga.
Dhammapiti – Sukkham – Seti
Vippassannena Letasa
Ariyappavedite Dhamme
Sada Ramati Pandita.
He who takes delight in the Dhamma lives in peace with serene mind.
The wise man, always rejoices in the Dhamma revealed by the Ariyas or by
the Nobles.
The Buddha – spoke this verse with reference to a Bhikkhu named Ven.
Mahakappina. One time, he was the King of Kukkutavati kingdom. His
queen's name was Anoja. King Mahakappina had one thousand ministers.
On a balmy evening, the King Mahakappina, was in the park with his
At the park, they met some merchants from Savatthi. On hearing about
the Triple Gem the Buddha – Dhamma and Sangha, they were so delighted,
they decided to proceed to Savatthi to meet the Buddha.
When the Buddha with his supernatural power surveyed the world, He
saw, King Mahakappina and his ministers were proceeding towards
Savatthi. The Buddha knew due to their meritorious deeds in their
previous births, they were due to achieve the Bliss of Arahatship.
Through compassion towards them, the Buddha covered 120 yosanas or
leagues from Savatthi and waited for them under a banyan tree near the
bank of Candanhaga river to meet them.
The king Mahakappina and his retinue of ministers arrived.
They were astonished, marvelled and could not believe their eyes,
when they saw the “Shadvarnarasmi” rays emanating from the body of the
The Buddha delivered a sermon and at the end of the discourse the
king and the ministers attained the bliss of sotapanna Stream Enterer –
the first stages towards the realisation of liberation leading to
Arahatship. They all entered the Order.
The Queen Anoja and the wives of the ministers too, after listening
to another sermon, attained Sotapatti fruition. Later, they entered the
Bhikkhuni Order.The Buddha after completing the mission at the banks of
the Chandabhaga River, meeting the Mahakappina and Queen Anoja returned
to Jetavana Monastery.
The Bhikkhu Mahakappina was also residing at Jetavana Monastery.
The resident Bhikkhus noticed that Bhikkhu Mahakappina, day and night
would often say “Aho Sukam!”. He uttered these two words many times a
The Bhikkhus informed the Buddha about the words, Mahakappina uttered
regularly.Then the Buddha stated, “My son – Buddhaputra Kappina utter
these words Aho Sukham (OH! What happiness) because he had tasted the
Dhamma. He lives with a serene mind. He repeats these words of
exultation repeatedly with reference to Nibbana.
By uttering this Enlightened One, recited this verse or stanza.
Dhammapiti Sukkham Seti
Vippassinnena Cetasa
Ariyappavedite Dhamme
Sada Ramanti Pandito
Dhammapada – Pandita Vagga -
One who takes delight in Dhamma lives in peace with serene mind. The
wise man always rejoices in Dhamma revealed by Ariyas. |