Unicycle football: a unique and wierd American sport
If you happen to be in Texas do not forget to to visit Austin and
witness a game of Unicycle football played on an asphalt parking lot.
This unique and weird sport, which is popular in Texas was created by
Marcus Garland in the year 2007. This sport looks similar to flag
American football or rugby, but, as the name suggests, it is played on
The rules are fairly straightforward. Some are straight from
conventional American football: four quarters to a game, six points for
a touchdown, that sort of thing. Some are specific to the game: There
are five players per team. Playing can only be made while you're on your
unicycle. Dismount for any reason while you've got the ball and you're
down. Yep, you read that right. Unicycle jousting. That would be an
awesome weird sport, but that's another post. There's always the risk of
getting hurt when playing football. It's even riskier when you're
balancing on one wheel while punting. So there are some safety
requirements. First and foremost, bike helmets are mandatory.
No helmet, no play.
There also is no spearing allowed, which means you can't take the
decidedly unsportsmanlike action of plowing into someone with your head.
The rules are clear about this: “This will break your neck, and tack
on a 15 yard penalty plus loss of down!”
Unicycle football is an odd mix of flag and tackle called,
appropriately, “flackle.” According to the rules, a person with the ball
may be tackled by removing his or her flags during play.
A player may also be tackled by a technique referred to as “the least
amount of force required to cause the ball handler to dismount their
Insects for your lunch
Hungry as ever! You rush into a hotel and the waiter comes with the
menu. But you are so hungry that you don't want to refer the menu and
asks the waiter “what is special today”. The waiter replies “Sir, there
is a special meal prepared with insects and it is rich with protein and
is tasty”.
Full proten in sect
meal |
Then you go bonkers! This is the futuristic scenario that may be
implemented, if the latest zoo-page UN Food Agency - FAO report is
accepted by the world.
The massive report recommends a meal with creepy crawlies such as
beetles, ants, crickets, grasshoppers as part of a healthy and balanced
Hence get ready for bug burgers! FAO report argues that we should
have more insects in our diet.
The report promotes insect diet as a low-fat, high protein food for
people, pets and livestock.
According to the report two billion people largely in Asia, Africa
and Latin America have been eating infects from ancient times.
Scientists who have studied the nutritional value of edible insects
have found that red ants, small grasshoppers and some water beetles pack
enough protein to rank with lean ground beef while having less fat per
gram.They also contain useful minerals such as iron, magnesium,
phosphorous, selenium and zinc.
Beetles and caterpillars are the most common meals among the move
that 1900 edible insects species that people eat. Other popular insect
foods are bees, wasps, locusts and crickets. Meanwhile insects are money
spinners. In Africa, four big water bottle filled with grasshopper can
fetch a gatherer $ 20. Some caterpillar in southern Africa and weaver
ant egge in Southeast Asia are considered delicacies and fetch high
The UN has been working on ways to end world hunger decades and at
last the ever growing insect population seems to have found their way to
the heads of UN think tanks.
By popularising the eating of insects the UN seemed to be
recommending the starting of insect farms as a viable business venture.
Scottish island for sale, only 2.5 million pounds
Are you interested in buying an island? Here is your chance.The
remote Scottish island of Tanera Mor is up for sale for £2.5m. The buyer
will get 800 acres, nine homes - and a post office.Tanera Mor has been
owned by the Wilders family for 17 years.
Tanera Mor, the only inhabited island in the Summer Isles archipelago
1.5 miles off northwest Scotland, has been put up for sale. It comes
with 800 acres, a flourishing tourist enterprise, bird colonies, a post
office and three jetties - all for the bargain price of £2.5m. Tanera
Mor is currently managed by Lizzie and Richard Williams, who took it on
from Mrs Williams’ family, the Wilders. The Wilders bought the island in
1996 after selling their dairy farm in Wiltshire. Tanera Mor: “A truly
spectacular place to live”Mrs Williams said it was now time to give
another family the chance to own the island.She said: “After many happy
years of calling Tanera home, it is time for someone else to have the
privilege of looking after this amazing place.”
Talks with the local community over a buyout were held, but it has
now been put on the open market after the Coigach Community Development
Company decided not to pursue the sale.
It has nine residential properties, a cafe, a post office and three
jetties. |