Human Rights abuses don't match the rhetoric
Severely influenced by the diplomatic offensive the US State
Department has taken in relation to Sri Lanka, partly due to separatist
elements within the Tamil Diaspora, Canada has reacted to the
influential Tamil lobby in Toronto, in declaring its inability to attend
the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting scheduled to be held in Sri
Lanka this November.
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Commonwealth has implicit faith in Sri Lanka
Certain countries in the West appear to have
forgotten that there is a separate United Nations body (UNHRC) to
look in to human rights. Forgetting the principal business of the
Commonwealth, they attempt to use the Commonwealth Heads of
Government Meeting (CHOGM) to discredit Sri Lanka.
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'We walked the talk':
Sri Lanka on the right path to economic growth
If a Sri Lankan goes overseas and returns after
about six months or if a tourist visits Sri Lanka after a longtime,
they would observe massive and rapid infrastructure development
taking place in the island. They will also experience the phenomenal
changes that have and are taking place in the economy.
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