TPM practitioners to strengthen manufacturing sector
Total Productive Maintenance and Management (TPM) is a concept
developed by the Japanese in 1971. TPM is a standardised, systematic and
hands-on approach to create a culture and environment that constantly
tries to maximise the entire manufacturing system by eliminating losses.

A TPM Association official |
TPM mainly focus on zero failures, zero accident and zero defects by
not only improving equipment, but also people to move from reactive to
predictive mindsets. TPM also helps transform organisations towards
operational excellence.
In Sri Lanka more than 300 people have graduated as TPM practitioners
representing 35 leading organisations in the country.
The association of TPM practitioners organised an inaugural get
together of certified TPM practitioners recently to refresh the network
and to bond as one unit. A wide cross-section of professionals
representing more than fifty organisations in Sri Lanka were present.
The objectives of this association are to spread the concept of TPM
in the country and help industries to improve quality, cost and delivery
performance of their businesses. The Association will create a forum for
knowledge sharing, carry out research and introduce an industrial award
to enhance the standard of manufacturing. Training programs, seminars,
workshops to educate members and non-members on the subject are also
being conducted. |